On British novelist, Will Self, books and more.
I have a few of Will Self’s novels on my bookshelf. One was stunningly good, sticking with me, and not being tossed in various moves and book shelf culling — recycling.
Some years ago, too, I had one of his articles in paper form, I suspect it was in the Guardian, but I can’t locate it with a cursory search. He wrote about walking from someplace like his home to London’s Heathrow.
From a trailer park on the south bank of the Colorado River, in Austin, I figured I could do such a journey, too, document the path that follows the river as it winds lazily towards the airport and eventually to Gulf.
I never negotiated that.
In the past, I have toyed with post-modern style in the horoscopes, but that is as much for my own amusement as it is a statement about literary style.
Two-Meat Tuesday

(Kindle Version)
Title: Two-Meat Tuesday
ISBN-13: 978-1411638723

Two-Meat Tuesday – Kramer Wetzel
Here’s another list I aim to make.
“Umbrella” isn’t a book that calls to me. Maybe one of his others would, but he’s not an author with whom I’m acquainted (virtually speaking).
Yeah, I can’t say I like all of his work.
I can’t wait to read his work… The little bit I came across…has me rolling!
There was, I linked to it some years ago, an article about how various writers worked. It included Self’s orderly, colored Post-It notes.
I remember reading Self’s list…think that’s definitely one of the articles I really liked-
I’ll have to look up your list…