The term, “Limits of Hardware,” came as an inveterate tag line for some of my digital “photography.” I am, by no standards, a photographer. I understand and know nothing about composition, color, hue and saturation. Doubt I’ll ever learn it, not at this stage.
The Limits of Hardware
It started, I guess, as a way to preface some of my digital images, and I’ll get one like this hibiscus, and it’s obvious that it the image has been tweaked in software, and even then, the image wasn’t that good.
Any number of remedies exist. I am, whole-heartedly, opposed to buying any more image capturing hardware, specifically, cameras. Especially no expensive cameras. Anymore, the most common source of images for my purposes, is straight off a phone.
As I poked through the images of hibiscus, I realized why that was such a frequent target. Those flowers are huge, with some close to a foot in diameter.
The size is probably due to climate, growing season influence. The reason that flower captivate my attention? Size, when compared to the, limits of hardware.