Faded Memories

From an old Townes Van Zandt song, “Out in New Mexico, people there treat you fine…”

I got it wrong, the whole thing:

White Freight-Liner Blues

(by Townes Van Zandt)

    I’m goin out on the highway
    Listen to them big trucks whine
    I’m goin out on the highway
    Listen to them big trucks whine

    White freight liner
    Won’t you steal away my mind
    Ah, new mexico ain’t bad, lord
    And the people there they treat you kind
    And the people there they treat you kind

    Well, it’s bad news from houston
    Half my friends are dying
    Well, it’s bad news from houston
    Half my friends are dying

    Ah, lord, I’m gonna ramble
    Till I get back to where I came
    Ah, lord, I’m gonna ramble
    Till I get back to where I came

    I’m goin out on the highway
    Listen to them big trucks whine
    I’m goin out on the highway
    Listen to them big trucks whine

If we’re going to be part of the “lords of the highway,” then this is one of our anthems.

I first heard that song, I can’t recall the girl, but I was in old Austin’s Carousel Lounge, off 35 & 51st, the old days when it was an iffy neighborhood, close to the airport’s runway. Think: trendy hipsters before it was cool.

Buddies on stage, minimalist set.

“Always have to do one from Townes (van Zandt)…”

Think that was the introduction.

NM Highway

“Ah, new mexico ain’t bad, lord
And the people there they treat you kind”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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  • Sarah Smith Apr 11, 2013 @ 10:53

    Song lyrics speak to me. Back in the day, many, many, moons ago, I started my transportation career as a cross country semi driver. I loved (still do) the open road, the challenge of making the grade, being my own boss (worked on contract–hard way to make a living).

    BTW, I know all about sexist comments/actions. Not a job for the fainting fanny types, or those who want to hide behind a sexual harassment law.

  • Kramer Wetzel Apr 11, 2013 @ 14:54

    Townes van Zandt was one of the great singer/songwriters, undiagnosed bipolar, I think, was the final verdict. Greatly revered in Austin, etc.

    Poet, as much as a song writer.