Letters to a young astrologer

This entry reminded me of myself, as I was a (self-styled) “Mac Consultant” for some time. Gradually, that’s shifted into full-time “nothing but net” astrofish.net astrology.

I like it just fine, and I like keeping up with technical issues, as it’s the easiest way to deal with some of the material.

The “letters” series, part of what a daily web journal is about, is a good way to keep track of where I’ve been.

All I can ever hope, be better at my craft.

As always, I’m just looking for more clues, more pieces to the puzzle.

Letters to a young astrologer

There are bits I’ve discovered along the way that have been quite helpful, but this is oftentimes more about writing and less about astrology. I met R. Sleigh (Sagittarius) some years ago. I don’t play the harmonica. I don’t plan to play the harmonica. I will probably never buy any of his harmonica kits, pieces, tune-ups, or lessons. As a note, though, as “letters to a young astrologer,” — the business doesn’t matter — the process is valid and transcends; R. Sleigh’s writing about harmonica playing is quite valid.

    For example.

I am still not a painter.

Letters to a young astrologer

Richard does run a mailing list on his site, and while it is targeted at harmonica players, any creative should be reading the musings as there’s that Sagittarius humor mixed with an honest Capricorn self-deprecating humor, balanced by age. As a note to astrologers — and writers — an outside source is always good form of inspiration. Something that doesn’t do anything with what you do.

The problem being, playing the harmonica, writing horoscopes, and being an astrologer? It is the same energy.

There’s more to astrology readings than rote recitation of planet placements and meanings.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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  • Sarah Smith May 13, 2013 @ 19:06

    “As always, I’m just looking for more clues, more pieces to the puzzle.” Quintessential Sagittarius!

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