The Moon Child, the Natal Cancer Moon

The Moon Child, the Natal Cancer Moon
In Western Astrology, the one of the systems handed down through the millennia as a method of prognostication, the importance of the Natal Moon is part of critical and accurate birth chart interpretations.

When the Natal Moon is in the sign of Cancer, it is in its home. The Moon is associated with, ruled by, this Water Sign. It explains why the Moon is always, “Female.”

The first and obvious association with the Cancer, Moon-Child symbolism is a round face. Frequently, I’ve heard clients call themselves, “Moon-Faced.” Not a term I would use or suggest as there’s a possibly negative element lurking in the term. Still, it’s part of the vernacular and used in some astrological definitions.

There’s a genuine caring that is associated with this astrological placement. The Cancer Moon has great depth of feeling, and frequently, the way I like to phrase it? “Marshmallow heart.” The balance point for this sign is working with the crustacean’s carapace and the soft, gooey interior, all at the same time. The crab’s emotional shell will, at times, appear crunchy and crusty, but that just protects a creamy nougat heart.

There’s a playful, creative, intuitive side to this type of lunar placement. Therein is the good news. Embracing those qualities is the challenge, but in attempting to do so, therein is the reward.

One of the bigger problems is that the Cancer (Moon Child) energy tends to emulate its symbol, the crab. Pulling into the shell for emotional protection is safe, but never lets anyone — anything — else in.

This kind of struggle is an indication of desires for intimacy but a need to keep distant and protected, at the same time. Back to the crab’s tough exoskeleton (the shell).

There’s an odd kind of lazy streak also associated with this moon placement. Perhaps lazy isn’t the most correct terms, but there’s a certain sense of pleasure being more important, and “No, I can’t really be bothered, as it is too much work” being an overarching sentiment. This prognosis, coming from a very lazy and indolent Sagittarius like myself, there’s a difference. The Cancer Moon tends to be a little more circumspect, less about sheer procrastination and more about prolonged interactions.

The secret to attract and care for a Cancer Moon person? Comfort food. Nothing soothes the savage mind more than the correct comfort food. As a native Texan, but (relatively) recent newcomer to San Antonio with its varied cultural and ethnic cuisines, comfort food is highly subjective. Chicken Fried Steak has been a dietary staple and “Go To” comfort food most of my adult life — it’s an Austin thing, ya’ll. Locally, add a vegan dish that’s particularly good, as well as the stand-by, TexMex. Some days, nothing works better.

Traditional astrological interpretations will associate the Cancer Moon with baked goods. Home, hearth, family, that’s all the trappings of a good bakery. Supposedly, that’s what works best. With Cancer Moon people, there’s a strong desire to figure out what comfort foods work best.

As a fisherman, the right bait at the right time is what’s best, and the Moon Children are no Different. Depends on the definitions of comfort food.

While wildly intuitive and quite creative at time, the Cancer Moon people tend to be emotional, and this can be misunderstood as “Moody.” This people are not “moody,” they are in touch with their emotional sides.

The Moon is in Cancer from July 6-9 (While Mercury is Retrograde, see for more about that) and August 2-5, 2013.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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