Web Journals

What is the purpose of the online diary? Web journals.

Sky Friday is just the latest version of my online web journal, as I’ve been doing that for some years now.(1) In addition to the “web diary,” I have both notebooks and digital remanences dating further back.

Over the years, I’ve threatened load that material into the single database for all my written work, but it hasn’t happened, and for that matter, probably won’t.

Early archives are condensed as a single file, and that’s more from a management issue than anything else. The purpose, crap, I don’t have a purpose for the web journals.

Sometimes, it’s catalog of food. Other times, I have hard time not reviewing some movies, or books. Once, a TV show. But only once or twice for TV as it’s a more ephemeral medium that most. More fluff, less substance. There are exceptions.

This weblog has no serious direction. Blog-style material is now supposed to fulfill a vertical niche, keep readers on the pages, and then convert readers to buying customers.

Yeah, not so much what this is about. Random crap, each day. Much more fun.

(Kindle Version)
Title: Two-Meat Tuesday

In summation?

Research questions: WTF
Research methodology: How the hell did they do that?
Critique: Those stupid-heads.

Of course, I may have changed my mind by then.(2)

Strange Trajectory

The various posting collected here, on this web journal, blog if you will, and I won’t, it started as another site for images, pictures of the sky, on Friday.

Buried in the both the archives and scheduled posts, I have various images captured in the last decade, maybe a dozen years, mostly from the more recent collections, but a few oldies a still in there. These pop up, as I was working on the theory that I wanted an image every Friday, of the sky.

Half archival, half random, half not good with fractions. There’s still another month or two of material before this becomes just what it is.

    (1) astrofish.net’s brand of horoscopes went live in 1993. A blog of one form or another existed at kramerwetzel.com from Nov. 1998 to the end of last year, 2012.
    (2) See fine print for terms.

WordPress – Automattic

Printpress – the WordPress blog editor


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

Use of this site (you are here) is covered by all the terms as defined in the fineprint, reply via e-mail.

© 1993 – 2025 Kramer Wetzel, for astrofish.net &c. astrofish.net: breaking horoscopes since 1993.

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  • Rhubarb Jul 20, 2013 @ 11:17

    I’ve been reading your web journals (blog is such an ugly word) for some years now and have kept one of my own for — what — 15 years or so, just as you do, I think, for putting down ideas, sharing the extremely occasional review, talking about current events on my so-called mind.

    I have really enjoyed your journal. Read it every day, comment when so moved. Rather like a Quaker meeting, where everyone sits in silent communion, unless one is moved by the spirit to speak. “Arf” I have spoken.

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