

I love me some Austin.

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Austin Rocks

Instant Classics:
On the way to Austin for work, I pulled off at a ubiquitous coffee stop for mental fuel. Pulling back onto the freeway, I watched as a gaggle of decked-out Harley’s pulled onto the access road. I zipped the tiny hybrid around them, floored it, and waited for the electrics to kick into gear, spinning me up the entrance ramp.

Out on the Interstate, I slipped on the cruise control, and looked down long enough to check the lecture on literary theory I was listening to. Taking a sip of a dry cappuccino from a paper cup, I listened while the professor droned on about language and its role in the interpretive process.

Moments later, the group thundered past, temporarily drowning the droning lecture.

Any Harley?

Maybe so.

Royal Shakespeare Company Podcast
Unmended – Brandon Jenkins

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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