What Makes You Happy?

So, what makes you happy? Question was in a forum I moderate, and I was listening, and all I could think of, at the very moment, was a previous day’s walk, three miles before dawn and another four miles after lunch.

Ostensibly, it was a work-related walk, as I have an iTunes – U lecture series on the phone, listening to that. Then, too, I had to walk by the post office to check the mail, although, I’m pretty sure no publisher uses snail mail anymore. Iced espresso, served by a Pisces, the Aries wasn’t there, and a single bill plus a magazine, and then, when the lecture was over, I just popped the earbuds out and listened to the day. Thinking. Meditating, while walking, as it were.

That’s “What makes you happy” for the one day.

The secret — to me — involves some type of activity. Some action that is more physical than sitting at a desk. A little action, a simple half-hour walk, some days, that’s all it takes.

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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