Horoscopes starting 10.10.2013

“There is no sure foundation set on blood,

No certain life achieved by other’s death.”
Shakespeare’s King John (4.2.104-5)

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Sun ‘squares’ Jupiter. Uranus ‘squares’ Pluto. What does it mean?

LibraLibra: It’s — nominally — “fall” in Texas. As I’ve moved further and further south, I’m looking for that “beach” lifestyle. While I’ve adopted it, mostly, there are rare fall days when it’s too chilly to wear short pants. We won’t see a day like that, not here, for another month, at least. However, it’s not too early to start thinking about that. Consider that the seasons have changed. Consider that Libra is well underway. Consider that it is your birthday time. Consider that one person will fail (completely) to do as your Libra self wishes. You’ve been warned that there will be one “epic fail” in the next few days. With so much other attention, are you going to let one person ruin the whole week? Answer to my almost rhetorical question?

Short answer? “No.”

Longer answer, allowing for Libra deliberation? “No, one person will not be a setback to my enjoyment of the birthday time!”

Scorpio: I can juggle, three, maybe four projects at time. Anymore than that? I get too scattered. I’m good for a few items, at one time. As a Saturn-inspired Scorpio? We have a few items working with you. Working on you. Working, anyway. With that said? And the aforementioned “cardinal” crosses?

There’s got to be a limit to what you can manage at one time. You have a choice. You can impose that limit yourself. Or you can let that limit be chosen for you, usually due to an epic failure. In plainer language, you try to do too many things at one time? You’ll drop the ball, fumble, or fail, at the worst possible time, across the board. In all areas. Here’s the tip: one at a time. Start to finish. Start one project, then see it all the way through, then start the next task. Otherwise, you’re going to leave a trail of half-finished jobs, scattered in your wake. Mercury (Scorpio), Saturn (Scorpio), the Sun in Libra, and Venus in Sagittarius? You’re scattered all over the place. One item at a time. One job at a time One task, one goal. One set of steps to follow in order to get there, from here.

Sagittarius HoroscopeSagittarius: I looked down at my phone. Buddy of mine was calling. He owes me money. Not a lot, in the grand scheme of life, but just enough to be seriously irritating. When he borrowed the hundred bucks, it was just until his next paycheck which, this was, like three months ago, and by my count, that’s almost 12 paychecks, now.

At first, the excuses were entertaining. Then less so, and finally? Just plain annoying. The voice mail, I’m sure, was a sad tale of woe, long-lost relatives, car troubles, bank troubles, girlfriend issues, something trailer park, everything, but no money for me. I wasn’t absolutely sure, but it doesn’t take a psychic to guess that his message, plot this out, was one wherein he had no money for me this week. The only action worse than lending money to a friend? Lending out precious books. I have some novels that I consider “throw-away,” as in, if the book disappears, I don’t care. Not an integral part of my library. Which is why, after losing one too many books I liked? I don’t loan out the good ones. Towards that end, I’ve got one book that I’ve purchased three or four times because it’s a fun story. But I won’t loan out my good copy. Like that $100 Bubba owes me. I avoided the frustration of his sad excuse this week. I looked at the caller ID and skipped his call.

Capricorn: The biggest challenge with the “inter-webs” these days? Everyone wants to be a lawyer. There are issues that crop up, and we all want to right the wrong, ask that an injustice be corrected, stand up for the downtrodden, bolster the little guy, all of that. I got this one Capricorn buddy, and he’s got this situation where a landlord walked all over my Capricorn buddy.

My buddy was busy trying to figure out ways around the issue. The problem? Austin’s got a fairly stringent “tenant” law, and the lessee is fairly protected from predatory landlords. However, in situations where the lessee puts a holes in the wall with fists and elbows? Not so much. Damage just makes the situation worse. Goes from bad to awful in hurry. The worst part of the problem? From where I was watching? Turns out, from the way I understood the law — I’m not a lawyer — but from a casual glance? My buddy was going to have to pay for damages. Late fees, and all that. The problems compounded as my buddy got more irritated.

As we (all) try to get through this next week? You may be absolutely correct in the spirit of the law. However, letter of the law is different. Careful about making bad situation worse, and maybe, how about thinking about this next few days like this? Gasoline is not an effective fire extinguisher — not in this week’s mess of planets.

Aquarius: This coming Sunday, Monday, watch the Moon. She’s getting bigger and bigger, no? What’s happening is that the planets, though rough and tumble for some, the planet are getting together to make matters flow rather well for Aquarius. Not exactly right away. This is one of those situations when a “whiteboard” is the best media for you. Write, erase, write, erase, write, save, take a picture of it on your phone, then erase, then look at the picture, realize the flaw, and erase it, only to want that image back. Recreate the idea from memory. Marvel at the succinct detail and compact answer. Then realize the flaw, erase, one more time.

I’m attempting to get you to pull together various disparate elements. There is a simple, effective solution. It’s right in your hands. However, we have to tease that idea out of you, first. Why I like the idea of the whiteboard, myself. Write, erase, write, outline, manufacture ideas, then erase. Or erase the parts you don’t like.

Pisces: Saw a great ad for a certain car manufacturer. “For people who drive less than 200 MPH.” I don’t think I’ve ever been in a car that was capable of 200 MPH. I built a race bike that topped out close to 150 MPH, but that was on a race track. While I regularly went well over 100 at times, that was in my youth. I am a big fan of “Racing improves the breed,” as it applies to vehicles, but I’m also a fan or a more staid and conservative approach to street transportation. I think most, if not all, of my immediate family all drive little “hybrids,” both stripes. Don’t have to worry about those going over 100 MPH, doubt they will ever join the “Ton Up” club.

As a Pisces, do you want a sporty car that looks like it can go fast, or should you, this week, opt for a more staid and conservative “econo-box” of a ride? With Mars, fixin’ to bust into Virgo? Opposite from you? Go safe. Where, exactly, are you going to even have a chance of going 200 MPH?


Aries: “I consulted a psychic, a counsellor, and another astrologer, they all said I need to change this.” One Aries. However, look at what’s happening — that’s not the issue that needs to be addressed. Is it? Or are you avoiding a particular issue because it’s uncomfortable? “Well, see, no. I don’t want to do that.” Therein, my fine Aries friend, that is the problem. It’s not a matter of “want” and “don’t want,” it’s a matter of where our needs are. “I need this for me.” No, that’s a situation where you want something, it’s not a need.

“I’m tired of this argument.”

So am I. Change is the only constant, and what I see happening, there’s a great chance to affect one change that will help you move forward, and get through this mess. The problem being, it might not be someplace you want to change. Might not be something you want to do.

All the cables on my computers were the same shade and one of the devices quite responding. I replace the cable — I’m not longer color coordinated. But it works fine. Simple — Aries — change.

“But it’s no longer all color-coordinated!

Simple — Aries — change.

Taurus: Quick, pick a favorite color. One. Use the color wheel on the computer, if you need to. One color, quick like. I’m getting, could be me, but it’s a deep forest green, but there are gentle tints just a little bit lighter than that, still, a hue that rich and implies velvet-smooth and soft. Bright, but soft. I could pick it on a color wheel, but then, I’d keep shifting the little slider, just a bit brighter, a little more subtle, then shade louder without going too bright.

You get the idea?

This isn’t an easy task, trying to find and pick that perfect color for the moment. The moon slides through a sign about every 28 hours, which means what you pick right now, in a day or two, you might change your mind.

One old girlfriend used to like pink. The variations are endless. Asa suggestion, for this next few days? Even though your tastes will change? Pick one and stick to it all week long. Even though I thought it was more a fuchsia than pink, but what do I know? Stick with one, either way.

Gemini: Old trope, from me. “You can have it 1) Right Away, 2) Free of errors, 3) Cheap.” The rest of that adage? Pick two. Can’t have all three. I know, it doesn’t even apply to me, not anymore, but I’m not Gemini. I do love my Gemini, but that’s another tale, for other places. The trick, the deal, the problem? And this only gets worse? Patience. You have little patience now, and what’s worse? As soon Mars moves into a Virgo? You’re patience goes from almost none to less than none. Strictly speaking, there isn’t a number less than none. None is nothing, and there can’t be something less than that, right?

Strictest logic doesn’t always work with Gemini. Sure it works with one Gemini facet, but as a whole? Not really. So here’s what’s happening. Stop and be patient. Either you stop and act patient, or there will be a situation where you’re forced to wait. Your call, but I figure you can cultivate some patience, now. Right now. Be patient, right now.

Cancer: I paused long enough to listen to a snippet of downtown conversation. A local cop was talking to an (apparently) dwelling-impaired, reality-impaired individual. The “detainee” had that stink of urine, and the talk of the wild-man, partially of our shared reality and partially some place else.

What caught my attention was that the cop, I think she was stalling, started to answer a question about Van Halen, and when it was a better band. With David Lee Roth, that was what the cop was saying. Not my music and certainly before my time, so I won’t venture an opinion on the music. I found the argument, to me, it was interesting. I think the cop was buying time. Soon enough, a van rolled up, the ubiquitous “paddy wagon,” and the cop loaded the guy into the back. Buying time, what it’s about, not which band was better.

The (mighty) Leo: There are one or two “Pure Leo” I know. So much Leo in the chart, everything else pales by comparison. Regrettably, even though I consider Leo the mightiest of the Fire Signs and the most noble of all the signs, there’s still a little bit of extraneous astrological pea gravel in charts, and that’s the source of ire. Outside of those two or three “Pure Leo” friends, everyone else will feel the pressure from other astrological happenings. It’s not about you, it’s about us, the Non-Leo types. Or the non-Leo stuff in your chart. Leo isn’t affected, but everything else is. We’re all having bad hair days — bad hair days made that much worse by the onset of the full moon, and yet, here in Leo? It’s all OK. Mars exeunt Leo, as the old stage directions read. Means the Mars pressure off you by the end of the week, and you can relax. Just remember to take pity on the rest of us, not as good as you. Show some mercy. We’ll all need it.

VirgoVirgo: I have a box, high in a closet, full of older clothing I can no longer fit. Or material that might be a little too dated to wear, even for me, with my horrendously bad taste and lack of style. Really, now, no style is a style. Wait, this isn’t about me, it’s about Virgo. I pulled that one box down and tried to squeeze into an old pair of surf jams. Pink, floral surfer shorts. Looked good on me at one time. I don’t even come close to fitting in them now.

I like the color, though. I like the color and the longer fit. At the time, shorter shorts were the big deal. So these were out of fashion then, and since I look just plain silly in them right now, they are out of fashion for me. Besides, I have that “sausage” look because they are too small. I think proper surfer togs are supposed to be loose fitting, not sausage casing tight.

Still, nice to know that I could, in a pinch, get pinched into those togs. I couldn’t surf in them, not enough room to move. Not a big deal, I’d rather fish if I was in coastal waters. Surf fishing is more attractive than surfing — but that might be me.

As Mars enters your sign, later this week? Be prepared to understand what the limits are. I can still fit those old surfer togs, but no, I won’t be surfing. Fishing? That’s a different tail. Tale.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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