Drawer For Wishes at noon

My most recent book, coming soon:

Drawer for Wishes

Free audio sample, the first chapter-ish, available here.

It’s an odd collection, parts and pieces that don’t seem to fit any place else, a rambling miscellany of bits of prose that fit together, but only after a fashion.

There are two included stories, one if for a girlfriend, especially, and one is for myself, as a favorite of my own. One of the first rules about writing is to not fall in love with one’s own work, but I did, in parts.

This is an electric compilation of material that’s been floating around, in one example, the material is older than the websites.

Depending on Mercurial waves, the e-book, Drawer for Wishes should be available at noon, for free, on Kindle Select.

It’s here. You asked for it, and for the next three days the price is really, really right: free. That’s right, FREE.

Available as a Kindle Select selection, which means, you’ve got to have a Kindle — or the free Kindle app — to get the book. Available only through Amazon.

The Kindle App works on most phones, as well, which might be the perfect way to read this collection of shorts.

Follow this link: Drawer For Wishes.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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