Year In Review

Year in Review (part whatever)
As an ongoing “Year in Review” series, this quick link prompted me to think about music, then books.

Previously mentioned, here, one author I tend to read voraciously, perhaps as a guilty pleasure, but books I buy and consume include the author Stuart Woods. I have a hard copy, first edition of his most recent novel, another installment in the “Stone Barrington” series, and remarkably enough, a jolly good read for me. I have a collection, gilt dust jackets an all, lined up, mostly chronological collection. Books: guilty pleasure.

I read the book, but the copy I read? I borrowed it from Bexar Biblio, the wondrous and amazing “digital” library. Had it on my list, it popped up the other evening, downloaded it, started reading, got engaged and less than 24 hours later, I was checking it back in, having finished it, and deciding that it was a satisfying experience, digital or otherwise.

Tim Dorsey (Aquarius), Robert Earl Keen (Cap.), Lyle Lovett (Scorpio), William Gibson (Pisces), Jimmy Buffett (Cap.), Neal Stephenson (Scorpio), the aforementioned Stuart Woods (Cap.), these are artists from whom I’ll certainly buy the hard copy, either CD or book. If it is a CD, though, the first thing I do is rip it onto the phone, or something. Books, with two of the authors mentioned, I’ve bought both digital and hard copy. Hard copy for the collection on the shelf, and digital because it was easier to lay in the bed and red from an iPad.

Amazon offers some kind of deal, buy the hard copy and get the digital for free, or something like that. Worth looking into; although, I’m old school, I tend to rip the CDs myself.

Books — are now available in Austin, at Nature’s Treasures. See listings for details and location.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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