Grinning Skulls

Grinning Skulls


The Grinning Skulls
It was thirty-six degrees outside. That’s just way too cold for me. However, despite many advances in online banking, to deposit cash? I must hike up to the bank. I wandered through a nearly-vacant Market Square, just west of downtown, proper. No one around here likes the cold this long.

A young Sagittarius was minding the store. This was, in reality, a research mission, while Mercury is Retrograde — — as an informal attempt to gather background data.

I drawled, “Y’all got any ‘get out of jail’ jewelry?”

Young Sagittarius, big brown eyes, long black hair, brushed a wisp out of her face, quizzical look.

“You know, after the big day, something that says, ‘I’m sorry, I forgot…’ You know, like that?”

In fact, I’m looking for a religious icon with little religious meaning, but that quest is ongoing. My favorite along those lines has been a St. Benedict medallion. Perfect for protection from evil.

The market place, Market Square, is awash in colorful skulls, Day of the Dead memorabilia. It sells well.

The picture thrilled me, as I turned around, snapped a quick shot, then started to type a quick email answer. On the phone, the image looked perfect before any digital manipulation. Two skulls, forefront, the background slightly out of focus.

Yes, it got tweaked, cropped, filtered, framed, but less than a minute in manipulation. Still, for a phone? It was such a cool picture.

Grinning Skulls

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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