The Better Photo App

It was an app that promised to make better pictures, The Better Photo App.

I’ve used, and continue to use, several apps like that. I tend to use quick-fix: focus, filters, and frames, not much else, but that’s the idea. Keep it simple.

Part of my Mercury Retrograde Ritual includes covering old material. To that end, I’ve been carrying around a digital copy of a novel manuscript, one I wrote some years back, and that manuscript has been rejected by several publishers and agents.

Not an issue as the narrative still needs to be tightened up.

Some advice gleaned from a one or more writer sources, “Write something people want to read.”

CameraBag 2 – Nevercenter Ltd. Co.

CameraBag 2 – Nevercenter Ltd. Co.

Camera+ – tap tap tap

inStatus – A creative editor making your photos gorgeous – Thang Dinh

The latest, greatest “photo” app for the iPhone? I can honestly say I’ve used all three and I like Camera+ best — with the caveat — at this time. The warning is nothing can take a bad picture and make it better. Just makes it “less worse.”

“Make your pictures pretty with our (filters, frames, backgrounds, special effects, whatever software digital magic is involved),” that was the lead-in.

When I saw the ad, I understood the problem. The pictures, to be a hit, the picture, in composition, in detail, in execution, someplace along the way, there has to be that elusive element. With mine, most of them, there is something humorous to me. All that matters.

Before there can be any frames and filters, the image itself has to be “of interest.” With my side project, the images are intrinsically interesting to me, something that caught my eye. I’m perfectly aware that not every image is good, but they are there for a reason.


Because that’s a personal project, open for public consumption, but personal, nonetheless, not every image will “make sense.” Not every picture is “good.”

I can’t care about that. What I can do, along with my written work, I can study, experiment, improve my craft. The raw material has to be there before addressing the window covering.

There is no magic app that can take a bad picture and make it better. Likewise, to sell that novel manuscript, it has to be a manuscript people want to read.

When I was looking over an up and coming horoscope, I was enthralled with rereading my material. Make it something I like? I’ve got some killer horoscopes coming up.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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