Chasing the Rain

Chasing the Rain. Rained in San Antonio, not really rain, just pre-July 4th sprinkles. The road up to Austin, clouds threatening, but not delivering, rain. So the title, Chasing the Rain, seemed as apt as any.

Mercury’s Retrograde Memories, infused with Austin’s Amaya’s Taco, now Village.

Many years ago, it was in an unfashionable place, east of I-35, when that was a questionable location, not hip and trendy. A buddy — Capricorn — suggested it. “Get the corn tortillas, a taco so good, the grease drips down, off your elbow.”

Used to walk there from my trailer park home. Some years later, the old Amaya location was turned into an upscale bar, and the restaurant decamped for a Capital Plaza location. Then they jumped across the freeway, the tacos? Homemade corn tortillas that are as thick and fat, redolent with fresh masa flavor.

Amaya Taco

Amaya Taco

Virgo waitress, and the grease still drips down to end of my elbow. Just some kind of good, old school.

From Fool by Chris Moore (Libra Lad), based on Shakespeare’s King Lear

Kent: I’m reticent about witches.
Fool: Nonsense. They’re just like physicians, only without the bleeding.

Fool – Christopher Moore

Unrelated fetish images.

Chasing the Rain, with sputtering rain, still on Austin’s roads.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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