I know a place, in New Mexico, just up the road from my second home in El Paso, and the last couple of times, sure, out in the open, there was cell reception, and the current “Nationwide” map suggests there’s coverage there, but at the one resort? What was exciting, for me, that little message on the tablet and the phone, “No Service.”
A half dozen years ago, down along the coast for a fishing trip, same deal.
So the question is, does my joy derived from the simple “No Service” tag, does that suggest I’m really The Introvert?
Inquiring minds want to know.
“15. Remember that all is opinion. For what was said by the Cynic Monimus is manifest: and manifest too is the use of what was said, if a man receives what may be got out of it as far as it is true.”
Excerpt From: Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius. “Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius.” Book 2.
Free copy of “Meditations” is here.
Pink Cake is a commonplace book.
ISBN-13: 978-1434805751
A Commonplace Book (full text PDF & cut quotes PDF)
The Introvert —
Introverted: in Austin, one Tuesday only….
Austin – Often


So, you’ve discovered the joys of solitude. You have come a long way.
No service…a concept many of today’s youth have no experience, but one that many of us remember and long for on some days.