Previously mentioned, at length, the obvious connection, between me, San Francisco’s Nob Hill and Literature. American Realist, some fabulists, Mark Twain’s comments, and an abundance of bookstores. Plus?

City Lights Bookstore
City Lights Bookstore, cf., City Lights Books.
I must find the link, or maybe not, about a book I bought there, perhaps a dozen years ago, maybe further back. It’s about Nob Hill and Literature.
In as much as I wanted to think the book was influential, I just recall the excitement of little known tome, “rocking my world.”
After carful perusing, and an exhausting summer day in downtown San Francisco, I did pick up two more books — published by City Lights Books. To this day, as an addendum, “Howl” is still an important piece of literature.
The ferry from Sausalito, the Golden Gate spanning the famous bay, off to one side, starboard, and there, ahead, was Nob Hill, I think. So much, so many words I’ve digested over the years, and from the ferry’s forward cabin, light spray dancing off the bow? It looked like such a small area. A tiny piece of geography. Can’t be, didn’t appear to be more than a few square blocks. So many words.
High Tea, the baggage store, and City Lights. With Ritual and Blue Bottle coffees worked into the pattern, as well.
“As I read this there’s a ringing in ny ear…something is happening… There’s no one to relate except the sea. ..”
(badly paraphrased P.F.)
wonderful place.