Crossed Arrows
Recently, I spotted a tat that was crossed arrows, unsure of its source. Looked it up, cursory glance, mostly military in its definitions and symbolic assigns.
Crossed Arrows
I have burgeoning fascination with the Loteria cards, owing, in part to my early training in various Tarot Systems. To this day, more as a curiosity, I tend to make sure I have a tarot deck in my ‘go to’ gear-bag..
So what do they mean? I’m unsure, and even more unsure because I don’t have a clue about the Loteria cards, just that the graphics are engaging. Kind of.
I like them, even if I don’t fully understand. I’m sure it’s some form of a divination system, just not one I’m familar with. I don’t think, in all my years on the road, I’ve ever seen those in use.