College and University

College and University

Interesting reading about college and university experiences. Mine was different despite the bewildering array of choices. I knew what I wanted.

Four-year degree. That’s what I wanted from a real College and University

Very simple. Not complicated. From an early age, I was “fast-tracked” to get into a university, with my own choices leading me on rather cirucitious route. Not particularly straightforward.

Two counselors had a big impact. The first told me to get a degree in anything that looked interesting. The second taught me, within the classes, that secret wasn’t the degree, had to get that, but the secret, the real trick? Always be learning. Keep learning, keep stretching, keep reading books. Reading then writing. Brought the habit of writing about whatever I was reading, put that habit on the table.

“Get a real degree. In anything, but get one.”

I earned a Bachelors in Liberal Arts and Sciences from Arizona State University.

Paid for, I might add, by working odd jobs and what was left over from a series of ultimately failed business ventures.

In the article, they cite the bewildering array of requirements and catalog choices. I banked on Standardized Test Scores from high school and a combination of charm leavened with BS. There wasn’t a bewildering array of choices, not for me. I took a half-dozen required classes plus anything that looked interesting to me.

“Aberrant Psychology,” no, titles like that weren’t appealing.

Have you met my family?

However, titles like Science Fiction as Literature did appeal to me.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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