Shakespeare’s Plays

Shakespeare’s Plays Reordered

1590–91 Henry VI, Part II
1590–91 Henry VI, Part III
1591–92 Henry VI, Part I
1592–93 Richard III
1592–93 Comedy of Errors
1593–94 Titus Andronicus
1593–94 Taming of the Shrew
1594–95 Two Gentlemen of Verona
1594–95 Love’s Labour’s Lost
1594–95 Romeo and Juliet

    1596 Edward III (1)

1595–96 Richard II
1595–96 A Midsummer Night’s Dream
1596–97 King John
1596–97 The Merchant of Venice
1597–98 Henry IV, Part I
1597–98 Henry IV, Part II
1598–99 Much Ado About Nothing
1598–99 Henry V
1599–1600 Julius Caesar
1599–1600 As You Like It
1599–1600 Twelfth Night
1600–01 Hamlet
1600–01 The Merry Wives of Windsor
1601–02 Troilus and Cressida
1602–03 All’s Well That Ends Well
1604–05 Measure for Measure
1604–05 Othello
1605–06 King Lear
1605–06 Macbeth
1606–07 Antony and Cleopatra
1607–08 Coriolanus
1607–08 Timon of Athens
1608–09 Pericles
1609–10 Cymbeline
1610–11 The Winter’s Tale

    1611 Sir Thomas More (1)

1611–12 The Tempest
1612–13 Henry VIII
1612–13 The Two Noble Kinsmen

    1613 Double Falsehood (1)

(1) Apocrypha

Original source with a self-referential hat-tip.

In the records from the era, two plays are lost, having written record but no extant manuscript, Cardenio, and Love’s Labour’s Found.

Shakespeare’s apocrypha and the last couple of plays, clearly show influence and even definitive evidence that the plays ain’t all Shakespeare’s “hand.”

Another oddity, I have a small print version of Edward III, so I must’ve seen it at some point, and its historical significance, yes, probably one of the less popular plays. (The Reign of) Edward II is attributed to Marlowe.

Still good to flesh out the canon.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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