The true measure of a human’s humanity – what happens on a no fish catching trip?
The best test of what kind of a person is?
Beautiful day to be on the water, really light breeze, only a dozen or so boats congregated around one fishing hole. Looked like some kind of a redneck regatta.
We weren’t invited, and it didn’t matter.
Wrong moon phase, way too many boats on the water, fishing pressure, with no results. There’s one image, me, almost the first cast of the day, that’s one really ugly bottom feeder. My buddy calls it, “A mother-in-law fish.” I’m not sure if that’s really the proper term.

Tourist Trout, tons of crab, black drum, and a lot of wade fishermen targeting trout, looked like to no avail.
The measure of man’s humanity is how he reacts on a “no fish catching” excursion.
“Kramer, you’re always lucky. You always catch fish.”
Apparently, not always. Not worried, either.
I had some braided fishing line wind around a leader, and the live bait knotted it into a mess. I patiently unknotted the mess, not getting upset. It happens.
Sun, Mercury in Leo, Mars in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio.
Perhaps some Buddhist training helped, but I’m unsure how that would sell, “Zen and Redfish?”
It was great. I’d do it again, just for a chance on the water. Besides, as one sage fishing guide told me, “It’s called ‘fishing,’ not ‘catching.’”
Queen Margaret was right.