Saturn and its associations, indigo, riots, apples, Saturday, lead–
Crap, Saturn, Capricorn, and what play, the three statues made of gold, silver, and lead?
The Merchant of Venice
Spoiler Alert
In Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, sort of a sub-plot, the “prize,” the hand of the daughter in marriage, that goes to the feller who grabs the right statue, or cask, and of the three? Gold, silver and lead? Gold is too flashy, silver is too common, and lead, the base metal, is most useful. Winner is lead.
Thinking along those lines, as I was just listening to Merchant of Venice again, the lead casket, it reminded me of tin, another very Saturn metal. So as a study guide, for Sagittarius, or those duly afflicted with Saturn now that it’s in Sagittarius, the first place to start is Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice.
The last audio version was clearly acted as a comedy, but the last stage version I recall? More along the lines of a problem play, with the suffering imposed on Shylock.
I’m most certainly not Jewish, a common misconception with my given names, but some of the “Jew-baiting” and jokes in Merchant were somewhat – deeply – offensive on the surface.
Funny jokes from 400 years ago with topical referents might not carry forward, just hazarding a guess.
Still, it was Saturn’s Lead that made the cut. Saturn implies fate, and once again, “Money buys lands but wives are sold by fate.” (Merry Wives snippet.)
To misquote, “All that glistens is not gold.”
The gold in that relationship is the marriage. But to get her? The base metal thing, the not-so-obvious choice. What this is about, Saturn in Sagittarius.
Saturn in Sagittarius
More from Saturn’s Moon.
Saturn in Sagittarius
My comment? “Wow, that looks like it hurt.”
Saturn in Sagittarius
“Not my rodeo, not my clown.”
Saturn in Sagittarius
“Not my rodeo, not my bull ride.”

#Saturn #Sagittarius