Horoscopes by the Fishing Guide to the Stars starting 11.26.2015

    Will you we show our title to the crown?
    If not, our swords shall plead it in the field.
    Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York,
    in Shakespeare’s Henry VI, part 3 (I.i.102-3)

Horoscopes by the Fishing Guide to the Stars starting 11.26.2015

SagittariusSagittarius: The planets, oh, happy birthday, dear, anyway, the planets plot a clear course for us. My Sagittarius brothers and sisters, we have a clear call, especially, those of us who are November Sagittarius, it’s even more clear, now. The full moon just punches its way through to make sure that we’re receiving the corrected course correction. Saturn serves as a reminder, a planet that places duty, honor, karma, the “right thing,” or even, “most correct course of action,” and these planets all line up to give us a gentle — or not so gentle — shove in the right direction. Pay attention. Work with what’s here. Quit arguing with fixed, immoveable objects that resolutely refuse to change. There are ways around it all.

I’m suggesting we have a clear direction and charging headlong at the problem might not serve us best. I didn’t say to avoid the problem, but let’s look for some work-arounds.


Every year, right before the end of the year, I have a quick tax question. I shoot my accountant a short email, “Quick tax question,” and his reply, every year?

“There are no quick answers to tax questions!”

I really should employ that answer with most of the astrology questions I get. You are always invited to post a question or better yet, send an email. However, like my accountant? I’ll probably answer the same way, as there are no quick questions. Sure, quick questions but quick answers? Aware that there are no quick answers this week? Might make it a little bit better for your Capricorn self, as in, don’t ask the question, unless you’re prepared for a long-winded and technical answer.


Not always a strong point for a “Lone Wolf” like me, but I have, when required, been able to work with others. As an Aquarius, you love my “Lone Wolf” persona, and as an Aquarius, you have engendered a similar type of facade. Not entirely “Lone Wolf,” but close enough. The trick to making this week work for you?

“Plays well with others.”

Simple, easy, doesn’t require a lot energy, but it is an idea. A high concept. One Aquarius looks at me, “Are you HIGH?” No, well, never mind, this isn’t about me. Of course you’re a good team player, but that might be what is required at this moment. This is a “Plays well with others” kind of energy, and sometimes, I know, you’re capable of handling this on your own, but sometimes, a little assistance is nice. So when someone offers to help?

“Plays well with others.”

Easy goal for this next few days.


Have you ever seen a Pisces pull a serious, Mach 3, 9 on the Richter Scale, tantrum? I’ve watched this with little kids, but this is less about children, and more about a child-like tantrum that your Pisces self feels is ever-so justified. While I’ll agree, never bothered me to be wrong, or to get pissed off over some perceived slight, no, never bothered me, but I’m not a Pisces. As a Pisces, this does bother you. Here’s the low-down, what’s pushing your buttons and pissing you off so royally? It’s going to be over in day or two, and later, this will prove to be highly insignificant. In other words? It won’t matter after the perception of the injury to the Pisces psyche is over. Yes, this cuts to the bone, right now, but please, before you throw that tantrum? Before you get all righteously indignant? Pause. Walk away. Let this one slide. There are two ways I see this playing out, one, it really is no big deal, or two? In a few days, you can slap this right back in their faces, and you get to say, “See?! I told you SO!”


My own mother never reads this far, so I can safely use this quote, now. “A day without a crisis is a total loss!” The glass will never be half-full, it was always nearly empty and here were are on the verge of a drought. Nothing like taking a slightly hopeful situation and turning it into a complete catastrophe. Love my mom, but seriously, “Oh, no good will come of this.” Her first fear was that I would write about our family, and now? Her fear is I won’t. Never mind that problem now. Tis is about Aries, and I’m using negative example to reinforce a positive spin. We all need some positive in our lives, especially Aries. With Mars where he is? This can either be good or bad. I tend to err on the side of good, always hoping got the best. As an Aries, you’re often like me, “I know something good will happen.” With Mars where he is? I’m here to remind you that the case, and that’s what we’re looking for. With Mars invigoration, and much activity, keep looking for the best possible outcome in this scenario. The Aries scene, whatever it is.


I’ve got one client, near 30 years old, but on her professional bio, it says “22.” I asked her about it, I mean, I know the year of birth, have to have that for the astrology chart, and she laughed. “I was told, by the (management) that every artist is forever 22.” Kind of like me, I managed to get away with 29, for more than a decade, in South Austin. I was good until one of my buddies confronted me, “Dude, you were 29 when I met you, and this is what, fifteen years later?”

Some little stories like that, we can get away with, in my case, in the client’s example, for some time. She really does look like a 22-year old. Me? Not so much. There’s a point, in the next few days, where you want to align yourself with someone who might be older, or appear older, or, in my example, someone like me who really is a lot older than he claims. As a Taurus, there’s a certain wisdom you’re seeking, and, as the expression, trite that it might be, as it goes? Old guys rule.


I was taking some “Over the Counter” natural remedies to help prevent the onset of a winter flu-like cold. I had Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey, then pills with cinnamon, and more pills with garlic and cayenne. I started to wonder if I was going to start attracting folks who thought I would smell delicious. The garlic, plus the vinegar and honey? I was wondering if I smelled like a salad dressing. I’m never sure which one works, as I’m a fan of both traditional western medicine and all of the alternatives, to include energy work, herbs, spices, and whatever else the fruitcakes have to offer. I’ll try it all. I have tried most of it all. As a Gemini, this week requires a more focused kind of approach. While my idea of “Try it ALL!” While that seems OK? Have to be careful with some of the herbal cures, make sure those don’t interfere with the more traditional, science-based stuff. There’s a balance point we’re looking for in Gemini, and in my case, I was merely trying to stave off a simple winter cold. The problem with all that garlic? Tends to frighten off even the most dedicated lovers, too. Which might be the part that really works, who knows? Try it all, but try in moderation. The goal is to have an apothecary that makes you smell like salad dressing.


I love me my tourist guides. It’s a fairly common occupation in San Antonio. While I play tourist, I tend to focus on the arcane and more unusual aspects of the job. We were in the cathedral downtown, and I asked the guide what was the weirdest question. “This cathedral is over 200 years old, and this one guy, he looks at me, ‘This pillar always been here?’ he asks me.” Pillar was certainly older than him. The old section of the church dates back to 1730, so yes, it’s always been there. Been there a long time. Even before the Alamo. Remember the Alamo?

So this is about tourists and touristy things, right? More so, though this is about thinking before we speak. Load bearing member. Part of the original structure. In Texas, anything that old is, like, really old. So that’s good. But the question? “There are no dumb questions,” is a familiar aphorism. Sometime,s though, there are. The stars are stacked against you. Not bad, just not always the most comfortable. Like now. Before you speak, maybe think that question through, just a little bit. “So how long has this pillar been here?”

The (mighty) Leo:

All you have to do is put a bow on it. That simple. It’s the festive holidays, and folks, families, especially, a getting worked up over details that don’t matter. My simple, Leo-centric advice?

“Put a bow on it.”

Understand that this will vary across cultures, but raised in Austin, the “Bow Heads” were common sights, at one time. Refers to females of certain age, in a particular part of town, engage in somewhat “Adult” behavior. Maybe just adult beverages. Again, this is highly localized for a slang term of little remorse. However, for Leo?

“Put a bow on it.”

Instead of trying to make this a big dal, sometimes the most minimal of efforts yield the greatest results. Use that magnanimous Leo royalty energy wisely. Just put a bow on it.


Some weeks are like this, yes?


Make nice, make war, make nice again. With the possibly irritating influence of Mars, sort of chaffing the inside of the Libra thighs, there’s always that slight discomfort from too much of something. Try to make this a nice situation, use that Libra charm.

Use that ability to see the best of the situation. Then, with the rest of Mr. Mars and his influence? Double the effort as you have the energy. Mars will give you energy, the trick is to use it to make nice.


Delayed gratification is a topic I know very little about. I tend to NOT put off the “Feel good” parts of the event, like, ever. So this is a strictly hypothetical situation for me, but looking at Mars and Venus in Libra? Nothing I could think of for Scorpio fit better than delaying that point of feeling good about something.

I got this one fishing example, too, thought it would be perfect. Get lines in the water and then? I tend to grab my camera and take some pictures. I’ve had good luck with some frankly experimental images because I was waiting on fish to strike.

Too true, I do have a “First cast catch” reputation in certain circles, as I can be that good. Not what this is about. It’s about putting off some action that feels really good until a later date. It’s OK to postpone what might’ve been an OK time to wait for a better time, a little later.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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  • William Parker Nov 26, 2015 @ 14:17

    Very economical Virgo forecast.

  • Kramer Wetzel Nov 27, 2015 @ 9:54

    well, with Neptune Square Saturn, and the full moon, yes, there’s a certain economy to it.

    happy holidays?

    • William Parker Nov 30, 2015 @ 19:28

      Yes, they were pretty good, except for late Satiday, Sunday.

      Happy Holidaze to you.

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