The War of the Roses

The War of the Roses

The War of the Roses is a slightly refreshed, historical look at one of the English civil wars, frequently referenced in Shakespeare’s Histories.

I got it as an eBook, iBook for $1.99. Perfect price, perfect packaging.

Great read, too, as the tone is conversational without being preachy.

This is a perfect example of where “traditonal” publishing is wrong about prices, and Amazon is so correct. The book, on Apple’s iBooks, was $1.99

The War of the Roses

The Wars of the Roses – Alison Weir

With my own, twisted logic, I much prefer the look, feel, and execution of Apple’s digital book environment over Amazon’s. Still, Amazon set the pace.

The War of the Roses

The Wars of the Roses

To me? Value for dollars spent? The digital version of the book is worth it, especially since I picked up at the aforementioned price point of $1.99.

Then, too, I didn’t want to have another book on the shelf that I would read once, then discard, probably not going onto many other interested readers, as it’s a narrow topic that most of us history types have already covered.

Still, at $1.99? Very much worth it for me. Having just listened to Henry VI, parts 1, 2, and 3, then Henry IV, parts 1 and 2? This is an excellent text for putting all the material in a semblance of order.

The greater context, as the civil war between traditional publishing and the disruptive electronic type of publishing wages ever onward, but as a consumer? Don’t we win? Lower prices, right?

This single text was an example of price and pricing. I must’ve picked it up on some kind of promotional price point, but still, at that price? Well worth the investment in a text that I might – or might not – like. In this case, I loved it. Worth a gamble that I wouldn’t have taken otherwise.

“This account, which appeared in a London chronicle of c. 1430, was later used as evidence of Henry VI’s early inclination towards sanctity, for it was believed that his refusal to travel on a Sunday betokened incipient holiness. Modern parents might well describe his behaviour as a temper tantrum typical of a two-year-old, but people in the fifteenth century were more apt to see portents in such things.”

Excerpt From: Weir, Alison. “The Wars of the Roses.” The Random House Publishing Group, 2011-09-28. iBooks. P. 124.

Lancaster And York – Alison Weir


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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