Legal Loophole
It’s merely a Legal Loophole, not unlike the “Church of the Dude,” or whatever that was, no, not dissimilar.
The Legal Loophole is an honorary doctorate. Jokingly, I’ve been called, “Dr. Kramer” on more than one occasion, and sometimes, in print. I never claimed it was real; with my most frequent rejoinder, “I’m not doctor and I don’t play one on TV.”
My honorary doctorate is real, but as such, just a formality in my own mind, as a way to cover myself for the times I am addressed as Dr. Kramer.
Looking for ways to broaden my horizon under the inflicted influence of Saturn in Sagittarius, I looked at another university degree. From a real university, not just an online diploma mill. Or diploma mill, either one as an option but I’m looking to expand horizons and broaden my knowledge. Real school was looking like $10K/year with three years to complete the course work and get the paper.
Which led me down a rabbit hole into online diplomas that seemed real enough. Legitimate. Really?