Status Board
Panic Software’s Status Board — updated!
Panic’s Status Board is nothing more — to me — than a slightly more effectual “Swiss Army Knife” of minor functions. The app is a highly customizable interface for corralling certain types of feeds, dumping data into a single spot. For me, it is even simpler.
I have a twitter feed @kramerw, then two tiny scripts that run on the back side of the server and those scripts really just server as a monitor to assure the site’s up and running.
Weather, time, couple of news feeds, list of inbound mail, and a single-wide ticker for current news. Moon Phase caluclator in visual form, too.
There’s not really a lot of data, just text and scattered images, but as a quick, visual check, I can see where I stand on business needs without having to waste time digging around looking for news items.

Previous, and here, as well as here.