Horoscopes starting 5.26.2016

    But truer stars did govern proteus’ birth:
    His words are bonds, his oaths are oracles,
    His love sincere, his thoughts immaculate,
    His tears pure messengers sent from his heart,
    His heart as far from fraud as heaven from earth.
    Julia in Shakespeare’s
    Two Gentlemen of Verona (2.7.72-5)

Horoscopes starting 5.26.2016



The Twins

Happy Birthday to a favorite Gemini. All of y’all. Venus is in Gemini, as is the Sun, but Mercury, thankfully no longer retrograde is still poking along slowly in Taurus. Taurus, that’s the sign that precedes Gemini, you know? With that, and the relative backwards motion of Mars, drifting in apparent chaotic fashion, dropping backwards into Scorpio? Gives a weird, hesitant feeling to the days.

Summer has long since arrived in my neighborhood. Not spring, just summer. Hot. Dry. dusty. To best use this material? Slow down. Yes, I know, birthdays and all, but pause long enough to consider that this is a good time for you, if you don’t overdo it. Venus tends to make the Gemini think along the lines of pure pleasure, and while we’re both a big fan of nothing but pure pleasure, with Mars and Venus in relative positions? Need to also think a little longer than the next five minutes, if only for a short spell. Just as a casual suggestion, before the birthday cake? Consider attending one last-minute detail that needs your Gemini attention — before we party.


Clear targets and clear messages. That’s what this week is all about. Get a clear “Go ahead,” or, better yet? “Go. Go, GO!” It’s signal to move ahead with that project, idea, task. The thing you were working on? Yeah, that one. The message, when it’s delivered, it will be very, very clear. None of my usual dissembling and obfuscation. Clear message, clear target.

The trouble I figure I’ll encounter from at least one Cancer/Moon Child person? “Are you sure I should do this? Even now?” That second-guessing? To me, I’m not a Moon Child, but to me? That Cancer Second Guessing crab-like behavior? That’s a sign it’s not that target. I suggested the action is clearly delineated as action you should take. Similarly, the target, the goal, the direction? It should be clear. Very clear.

If the direction isn’t clear? Maybe you’re not supposed to go that way. Buried on my websites, someplace, there’s an image of a faded bumpersticker and myself, in reflection, “All who wander are not lost.” This next few days? The Cancer wanderers? Yes, you are lost. Wait until you get a very clear signal on which action, or what direction, and for the direction? I’m thinking like three arrows, pointing a way. Not just one, unless it’s, like, really big and quite clear.

The Leo:

This week’s catch-phrase to alleviate ALL of The Leo’s troubles? “Wrong Moon Sign.” And when some asks what you mean? “Moon is not in a compatible sign for me to do that today.” There’s always the added possible rejoinder, “My astrologer advised me not to do that today.” The other image I get, the other way to describe what you should, or shouldn’t be doing this week? One old girlfriend, she used to spend part of her afternoon, instead of, like, a smoke break? She’d “Shop for shoes on the internet.” I have no idea what transpired, in reality. But the expression means time spent doing something that is utterly important to the person, but might seem like seriously recreational to another person. “Why aren’t you working on MY project?”

“Wrong Moon Sign.”

Try it out, or, you can always refer them to me, as “My astrologer said that wasn’t in my best interest at this time.”

Leo, honey, you need a little spent shopping for shoes on the internet or whatever it is that you do. It’s not mindless, not pointless, just occupy the Leo brain while the subconscious ticks over problems and percolates answers. Next week. Promise it next week.


Manage your resources. That’s a short message for how to work well within the limits imposed by this week’s weird planets. The planets aren’t weird, but the way the energy is being expressed? I’m sure you’ll agree, this is some weird stuff, no?

The first way I thought about managing the Virgo resources brought to mind an image of guy sitting at a poker table Texas-Hold’em, what it looked like to me. Poker face. Trying to conserve and yet win big. I have a better idea, as this is merely an image for the idea? How about, in this situation, sometimes, it’s easier to just fold those cards, and keep your money — or other resources — in your virgo pocket.

Want to double your money at the poker table? Sure, fold it over and stick that money back in your pocket. That’s how you double it.

Managing resources, what it’s all about, how you mange them.


There’s a certain clarity that comes along. You are able to understand, comprehend, see in totality, get the macro and micro image all at once. That’s good. You have a way to get from “here” to “there” with ease and grace, again a good choice. The problem comes with opening your Libra mouth at the wrong time. Me? I’m an expert at the best possible comment at the worst possible time. I was born with (typical Sagittarius) “Foot in mouth” disease. Nod and smile, but keeps the lips pursed. I’ve been known to make clucking, or clicking noises, or even a low whistle, when first glancing through a chart, to see what’s up, then a low, “Wow, would you look at that,” then glance at the person across from me. Not a good bedside manner, and again, if I could just keep my mouth shut, might be better. Learn from my mistakes, be aware that you have the big picture in mind. Also be aware, even though you have absolute clarity at this moment? It might not be the time announce it, not yet.


Is it time to let go of that? Good question. I had a piece of computer hardware, essentially, just office equipment, and there was an emotional attachment to that one piece of hardware. Working through it, I’m not a Scorpio, remember that, but working through that with a very Scorpio-like tenacity? I finally reached a point of peace where I cold let go of that single piece. It wasn’t causing issues, but it was about to, and I figure, a sincere hobbyist, or tech-inclined person could sort the details out better than me. At one point, we have to know when it’s time to let it go. This example, and what I’m thinking of for Scorpio, in this example, it’s a single item, a single portion of a larger issue, it’s merely a piece of a larger puzzle. Instead of attempting to solve all of the problems, letting go of single, component piece, I’m not asking you to forgive and forget about everything, just a single piece, just part, just a part to part with, so the speak, just give up one, tiny piece. To give is divine, and to forgive can be divinely inspired. To forget? Again, not really Scorpio-like policy. So, we’re giving up a single “something,” not the whole shooting match. Mars, it’s a Mars thing.


Many years ago, based on a cartoon figure, I adopted a zen-like, utilitarian “in/out” box arrangement. It’s simple, no separate “in” and “out” slots, it’s a simple, pile of stuff. Today’s bills, last week’s magazines, a stray newspaper article a client sent me, a card I received with a payment, a card I’m meaning to send, with payment, all of this stuff is one, single stack. The very zen-like, “in/out” box. This works well for me. Early, as a student, for example, I used the “Pile it” method, with a single stack of papers for each endeavor, like, one for each class. The cartoon, I can’t find it now, it had a Tibetan Monk sitting at a desk with that single tray, marked “in/out.”

As Mars passes backwards into Scorpio? Sun is getting warm in Gemini, but that Mars transition? Time to sort through that tray, the Sagittarius/Buddhist Monk “in/out” box of material that we’ve been meaning to deal with. Mail off, answer, toss, all depends, but it’s time for “action” stack.


What you need? A new way to look at the world. That simple, a new way to see the world. Many years ago, I moved to almost all portable computing elements. I could fold up my laptop and take my world with me. Or I could see the world with my digital life in tow, usually in a shoulder bag or backpack. To change the way I see the world? One of the simplest changes, worked really well, I added a larger monitor at the “office.” Home office, not like it’s a really big deal. when the laptop is here, I’ve got it plugged into a small monitor, which, in perspective, is certainly a lot larger than the laptop’s screen.

So when I suggest a new way to look at the world, sometimes a simple hardware swap can make all the difference. Some days, it’s not the big things, but the little ones. Or the big things are little things? That’s last analogy is too faulty to make work, but small adjustment, like adding larger monitor, or a second monitor or something? Some action like that helps change the Capricorn perspective.


I got to sorting through some old photos, like, real photographs. Printed on paper, the paper itself starting to feel fragile, frail, weak with the years. The photos carry some sentimental meaning but not much value, otherwise. What was important, in this last culling, sorting, and organizational spree I had? I wanted all my photos in a single place. It’s like a shoebox, only, it’s plastic, but I think it was originally sold as shoeboxes. I have maybe half dozen leftover from the era when I had to keep paper files of credit card charges. So I have reduced several photo albums, and old family heirlooms to just a single box of papers. In one way, it might be sad, but in my way of seeing it? I’ve got it reduced to portable, save-able, salvageable sized container. Easy enough to carry around, and in my next move, none of this will get lost. I’m unsure of who this serves, but the memories are important. Not so important that the pictures are all scanned and placed online, no, just a few tattered photos themselves.

This week is about getting it, and stuffing it all into a shoebox — or whatever your equivalent is — a shoebox-sized container so those mementoes are safe. The keepsakes, not much, just paper, and the paper itself feels frail, even now. Some days, though, I drag that box out and scan a single image to post to a social media site, just for old time’s sake. Which is why I suggest we get all that stuff compacted to one, easy to handle container for Aquarius.


Movie adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays are an uneven lot, at best. Some are brilliant. Some are energetic, while failing at the basic premise. Some of are just over-the-top excellent, despite execution. All depends and it’s quite variable. Then, too, there’s the problem with cramming five acts, written for stage, trying to fit that in the confines of a film. To me, it’s more than a daunting task, it would be too overwhelming, what to cut, how to film, period piece, original? Too much to work with. As a Pisces, the planets are throwing up a situation, where, like me even trying to think about a movie version of the play, I get short-circuited with ideas. Too much. Overwhelmed.

Paralysis by analysis.

It’s all too much for me. So here’s the deal, there’s a single task and it’s got Pisces way overwhelmed. I can’t stop you from freaking out, but I can point out, that we can fix none, exactly none, of this at the moment. None. No amount of detailed analysis and pre-planing can work to make this better. So, first off, instead of trying to accomplish the impossible? Break off a tiny chance and only do that one task associated with the bigger picture.

Think I’ll go watch Cymbeline again, it was good.


Eating healthy is an ongoing trial and error situation. Some days are better than others. Towards that end, I started getting “healthy” chips. They are just like regular corn chips, think, Frito’s, only these have no added salt. Just a corn chip with no salt. Pretty good. Not bad, but every once in while, like a week like this?

    Get out the salted chips.

This is a simple solution to a complex Aries issue, but after eating healthy and exercising and all of that for so long? There needed to be a change. Some days, it doesn’t take much, break from the routine to make this better, to see an improvement. Break from what you’ve been doing, break from the way things are. Might be a guilty pleasure like salted corn chips for me, don’t get me wrong the unsalted ones are good, they, just, there’s just something missing, right?

Rest of this week? That Aries thing that seems so complicated? Might just need a little bit of salt to have it make sense.


A while back, I found an app that I liked, it was free at the time, and it served a vital function in my computer-online world. Terribly niche product, but I didn’t care, the day I stumbled across that app, it was free. FREE. No cost. Served a very useful function that I’m sure will be incorporated in the next rev. of the tablet software, but I don’t care. Free was a good price, for me. Ran into a buddy, a few days later, I mentioned that I liked this one app as it solved a problem we both had. He emailed me a day later, “I thought you said it was free, (bad words omitted), it cost, like, ten bucks! I wouldn’t spend that on an app for that!”

    Neither would I. Apparently, I got in on the “free for one day” deal. And, also now apparent, I did exactly what that “free for one day” was supposed to do, I told people, hoping they would buy. Wait three weeks or so, and there will be a similar app that does the same thing, no doubt, for free.

Here’s the deal, the way this week works, like me, you stumble into a deal, only, if you tell everyone, they get bent out of shape because it’s no longer free. In this case, it was an honest mistake, I just happened to click at the right place at the right time, and it was free offer, and it turned out to be worth it. The biggest problem, later? With my buddy mad at me? Wasn’t worth it all.

Warning: “free” always come with a cost.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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