Horoscopes starting 7.28.2016

    But time will not permit. All is uneven,
    And every thing is left at six and seven.

Shakespeare’s Richard II act 2 scene 2 lines 122-3

The history behind, the anecdotes, anyway, behind the term, “All six and seven” is worth a look-see. It’s British English idiom for “Charlie Foxtrot,” another favorite. Insert your own expression, as this addresses the substantive lack of planets in Air signs at the moment.

Horoscopes starting 7.28.2016

The Leo:

The Leo

The Lion

Very rarely do I ever hear about a Leo person who is “moody.” However, there’s a weird influence in the wan moonlight, this week? There’s a certain kind of lack of energy. A lack of gumption? “My ‘get-up-and-go’ got up and left.” Heard it more than once. Venus figures into this Leo planetary conundrum and occasion, as well. Everyone knows I love The Leo as The Best, and I would only wish many happy birthdays, all the way around, right? So this little lunar influence means it’s time to be a little more quiet about the actions of the mightiest of the Fixed Fire Signs, The Majestic Leo. There’s a kind of quiet celebration that is most evocative at this time. Me? I always thought that the Leo birthdays should be a national holiday, and like that? Fireworks, large parties, and so forth. However, this years? Let’s think about a quiet candle-lit dinner for two. No big deal. There is great stuff, just over the yonder horizon, great stuff in store for Leo for the next year. Couldn’t be better. Set some goals, maybe, over that candle-lit dinner setting.



The Virgin

The more I watch and observe, the more intrigued I get. This is one of those, I tend to call this a “gateway,” and the more I’m cognizant as we all hit this kind of influence? The more I see people — and events — go “Boom.” Not “Boom!” Just the simpler, less emphasized version, a somewhat subtler, maybe not capitalized, “boom,” certainly with no exclamation mark.

Something will “Blow up.” The way the Virgo mind works? Nothing that worrying, fretting, then obsessing, and finally, jumping in to make go from mild distasteful to just horrible, nothing to stop you but me, and my suggestions. My suggestion is simple. There’s a train wreck, just up ahead. Not in Virgo land, but Virgo-land adjacent. Don’t stop. Don’t look. Don’t slow down. You’re in a Virgo vehicle, and there’s a slow-down in traffic, maybe not a complete stop, and there’s no reason for you to slow down and gawk. Slowing down to gawk endangers yourself and others. Eyes on the road, both hands on the wheel. The emergency workers are either en route or already there. This goes against good Virgo training, but no hand wringing is required now.

Virgo: the more you ignore? The better you get.


Living in “manufactured housing,” as I’ve done for so long, I’ve never really had a chance to do this: decorate. I don’t mean, like hang a poster on the wall, or move furniture around. This is about “redecorating” in the Life of Libra, redecorating on a large scale. Another idea that I’ve always held as a possible, if not probable, is the concept of putting a random array of color and images on one wall in a home. The larger the home, the larger the wall space, the better the area with which to work. Imagine, a single red stripe, diagonal, across one wall-space. No interruptions, perhaps bending along one corner, and flowing into the next wall. Or green, or blue and green stripes, like pinstripes for the living room? Something uneven. Different. Another option would be to paint one wall a totally different color, a hue that makes the wall “pop.” Or checkerboard pattern, but make that design out of something besides black and white. This week is about sketching out a possible change. Maybe not making that change, but run the idea out there, see what it would look like.

Libra: Can’t you see yourself asking, “How about if we just paint this one wall bright green?”


Can’t say, in the times of greatest need, that there isn’t a certain helping hand present for Scorpio. Can’t say no one will help you out, as there are always those of us willing to be of assistance in your Scorpio time of need. There’s always a few of us who are willing to extend a helping hand to Scorpio. Ever notice, though, that the outward gesture of helping out someone else usually veils an ulterior motive? That gesture of kindness carries a little hook in its offering?

“I’ll help you with this, and you’ll help me with this, later?”

The other expression that always comes to mind, “No good deed ever goes unpunished.” Both of these should set the Scorpio senses on edge. On guard, a little more circumspect of any offers. Watch for it.

“Here, let me help you with that.”

Look for the hook. We both know there’s probably one in there. I’m not saying everyone is out to get you, but seemingly random acts of kindness? Look for the catch.


While I’ve watched this with my own family, in Austin, not long ago, I got to see this happening again. History, rewritten, right before my very eyes. With my own family, this is commonplace, as I’ve watched my immediate sibling and parental units — wholesale — rewrite family stories to fit with what is considered the more appropriate way to tell the tale. Make one — usually the teller — look better in the edited version of the story. The facts themselves are long–rendered useless. Names, dates, locations, pertinent details, and actual outcomes? All subject to be modified, especially by my family.

    As a Sagittarius, we tend to stick to the truth, just because we lack presence of mind to fabricate good tales, otherwise.

There are two temptations this week. The first is an opportunity to — wholesale — rewrite history. More like a personal narrative, but there’s a chance, in the immediate future to do so. Single suggestion? Don’t. The other piece of this influence? When someone, I’m not saying it’s one of my own family members, but when someone starts to rewrite the facts? It’s not our job to correct them. Not now. Just creates more tension and with Saturn and the fast approach of Mars? We don’t need any more tension.


There is an omnipresent — and heightened — growing sense of amusement, in, with, and around, Capricorn. Sense of the absurd, a proper sense of the absurd, is required. I dryly intone, “It’s going to get weird.” Because, you know, it is going to get weirder and weirder from here on out. Sense of the absurd, the proper sense of amusement, and understanding that Mars is moving into place where he’s going to unleash all kinds of nightmares. The dark side, to some, the “Long, dark night of the soul,” to others. All depends of frames of reference. All depends.

Is it bad? Maybe if you weren’t a Cardinal Earth Sign, and maybe if you didn’t have — you’re reading my horoscopes? You have a weird sense of humor. Not unlike me. Not that this is a bad attribute, no, not that this is a bad thing at all, but that sense of amusement is required as the following weeks start to unravel. The Capricorn secret for “Keeping it together” in the face of mounting, and only apparent, opposition? Wry amusement at the weird stuff. Bemused expression. Wan smile. Might be too hard to grin, but a subtle up-tick of the corners of the Capricorn mouth? Goes a long way in making this week better. Next week, too.


I’m sure, by now, you’ve heard the expression that, “A bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work?” I’m lucky in that I thoroughly enjoy my “work,” such as it is, so I rarely have “bad days,” but given a choice, I’d prefer to be on the lake or bay fishing. That could just be me.

I got off the bay, one day last month, with no fish in the box. We caught a few, but they were undersized and no one wants to keep some of the bay’s bottom feeders, so it wasn’t a particularly successful day for fishing. However, along the way, since the fish weren’t very cooperative, I took a few pictures. Birds, wildlife, water, clouds, shorelines. Fishing pole tips in the air. Mostly unbent fishing poles, but still, I was fishing. Relentless sun beating down, saltwater tang in the air and the ever-present and slightly cloying scent of decay. Part of the atmosphere in the bays. While I din’t catch fish to eat, there is a restaurant there that I like, so it wasn’t like I was going to go hungry. I was on the water, having a thoroughly enjoyable day. Fresh air, hot sun, smelly bait, all good. Turns out, those images of the sky, water, and such? Those turned out to be valuable commodities. Art, to some. So, while I didn’t bring home any fish, I did have a good time, which goes back to the old expression, “A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work.” Wasn’t bad, not really. This isn’t really about fishing, you know? It’s about what you do with your time. How you spend it. Just because the fish aren’t biting doesn’t mean that there’s not other activities that can be equally productive.


The trick, new moon up and coming? Until that new moon gets everything launched? There’s a minor sticking point for Pisces. “Seems like there are no good options, this week!” Have I heard that before? Sure. And there are good options, it’s just matter of figuring what’s the least disagreeable for yourself. What seems like the easiest, simplest, most amusing, least disruptive, next-best course of Pisces action?

The best way I can help this week? “What’s the next-best thing I can do?” Simple question. The obvious, there’s always an obvious answer that there’s the very best choice, but as long as Jupiter is in Virgo, like it is, then that “very best” choice won’t seem as likely. Since it appears as a distinct impossibility? Let’s move on and look for what the next best, the alternative that isn’t what you think you want the most, but for now? It seems easiest, and most plausible. “Next best thing,” is the buzzword and catch phrase for the next couple of days. “What’s the ‘next best’ thing I can do right now?”

Pisces: you got to ask yourself, “What’s the ‘next best’ thing I can do right now?”


I’ve got a couple of slim volumes of poetry. Mostly modern variants, not much that rhymes anymore, but every once in a while, a piece of poetry will appear particularly epic. When I run into a moment where I lack inspiration in one form or another? I reach for one of those thin books. None of them are big, none of them are weighty tomes. Just flip through and find something that resonates at the time. While I love that I can carry the complete works of Shakespeare as an app on my phone, I still like leafing through those volumes of poetry as that invokes a serendipitous approach that is handy and somewhat dependent on the idea of luck.

Reach for a book, whatever is handy. One author I respect, he used to use King James Bible quotes. “4 AM in Vegas, baby, the Gideons always come through!” This is about thinking about reaching for a volume, a book, some type of written word, and using that as jumping off point for Aries to start moving forward. There’s a sense that some “book research” is required. Pick what appeals to you. One of the weirder books, now an app on my tablet, that I use? Besides slim volumes of post-punk poetry? It’s a field guide to birds. I try to identify, what birds, when I can, as I can, just as a way of staying in touch with my world. As an Aries? Slim volume of poetry speaks to you? Cool. Field Guide to Birds? Sure. There’s a new chapter, about to unfold, and a handy reference manual will be useful.


I’ve promised relief, and it’s just around the corner. But that promised relief isn’t here yet. I can’t hurry the planets up. What I can offer is a reminder that there’s a different way of looking the problems you feel like you’re facing. They are not all problems. They’re impediments and obstacles. But some obstacles? Sometimes those are merely challenges that need some creative thinking applied to find a solution.

Herein is the weekly Taurus challenge, finding a way around the perceived obstacle. It’s not really an impediment. It’s not really a problem, it just needs some creative solution. “Put a bow on it!” See how easy that solution was? Might be too glib in this case, and might feel like there’s no way out, but there is. I promise. It’s about how you’re looking at this obstacle. Big rock, middle of the road. No way around it? Stop, maybe think about climbing over it. Might take longer, but you wanted some upper-body exercise this week, right? Been meaning to get back to that, right? What’s happening is Mars is about to leave Scorpio, where it’s been painful for a spell, for Taurus, and while we’re waiting on that pain to subside, there’s the New Moon and Sun, plus Venus, in Leo. Again, not about you. But it is about that obstacle, that perceived problem. Figure a different vantage point to see the issue differently.


“If it is meant to be then it is up to me!” Think that, Gemini friend, think that. Don’t think that out loud, as I would be loathe to let anyone else hear it. However, quick. Now. Yesterday, even. There’s one, last task, goal, job, issue, whatever! There’s one last item that needs your attention, right now. Might not be a favorite job, might not be the task you want, and I kept thinking about a woman I know, her day job? Cleaning “port-a-potties” for a Chem-Can service. The exact opposite of glamorous. The exact opposite of, well, anything good. However, it pays well, it’s outdoors, mostly, and there’s a simple, reasonably safe way she handles the job.

Did I mention it pays well, and the hours are quite gentle? Whether that’s your day job or not, though, that’s what this one, last job feels like. Hook the vacuum drain pipe up, let it handle the worst of the mess, then use the disinfectant spray, the hose, the rinse everything out. Never have to touch a single part that’s not sanitized and surgically safe. Now, here’s the trick, Gemini, that job? Dirty job, but someone has to do it, right? There’s one task, leftover, and you’ve been avoiding it. I can’t suggest I’m any better at avoiding work, but I might be at this moment, and this one task, it needs to be started — and finished — by the end of this horoscope. Go. Go now. Finish the one task you don’t want to do.

Gemini “If it’s meant to be, then it’s up to me!”


Years ago, I stumbled across piece of software that turned a series of blog posts into a book. Rather, the software turned a series of chronological website entries into a file that could be uploaded directly for book publication. Didn’t actually make a book, as that’s a drawn-out process far more complicated. Still, as a piece of software to play with, it was interesting. I can do the work, myself, easy enough with stock tools, it’s not a challenge, not anymore.

I can take any manuscript and pop out a book-format file. There are numerous web outlets that can turn a manuscript into “book.” Here’s the trick, coming up with the engaging content that fits between the covers. This is not a traditional “publishing” time for Cancer. Our little Moon Children aren’t in a traditional situation that promotes publishing. But there’s a similar idea, a sentiment, a long-term goal that has some positive attributes associated with it, like gathering up enough posts to make a book. These days, the most common format is “Blook,” which is a blog to book. I did that, once, a few years back, as an early adopter. See Two-Meat Tuesday as my example. But this isn’t about my web-ramblings and book-publication, this is about the Moon Children finally starting to get an idea together. Get the facts, if not tidy, at least get it into one area. Get organized to launch a new project. Maybe just re-writing an old project, too.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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