A Turtle Roars in Texas

Here’s the problem, I picked this up as a digital book, on Apple’s ibooks, but then, I couldn’t find it — but close enough.

“You can’t teach patience and deliberation, but it can be learned.” Page 44.

So the book I’m reading is called A Turtle Roars in Texas by Russ Hall — apparently a fairly prolific author. Texas author from what I was able to glean. Set in and around Austin. Murder slash crime slash mystery slash procedural.

I picked it up from a sale list and at 99 cents, a perfect price. Wouldn’t have bothered at a higher price point, and this was a great deal. Got it in the iTune, odd, can’t find it now.

I got at least one, maybe two fishing buddies who would love this author, most of the whole series, if not all. Strange, no one’s mentioned the author before, not to me. Bikers, murder, and mayhem.

“…nothing like the riders Hunter S. Thompson had portrayed in his Hell’s Angels book.” Page 78.

Then, just about halfway through, the book hits that sweet spot, timing, pacing, action, plot. I was toiling along, and took me about half the novel for it to hit stride and work. Rip snorting read, then.

In part, their locations are eerily familiar, with some of it being near Old Austin — and some a close proximity, but not quite; however, it shows up as close enough.

Fun. Obviously Texan.

A Turtle Roars in Texas: An Al Quinn Novel


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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