Spanish Tragedy

Spanish Tragedy

There is a Star Trek episode I reference, although, I am unsure if I have ever seen the original version of that episode. It deals with facing a scenario for which there is no tenable way out.

No way to win. Star Trek, original series.

My most recent referral is through the thoroughly nerdy allusion from TV’s Big Bang — proof that the allusion holds — even if the original is not known firsthand.

Spanish Tragedy

I have a note to myself, “Spanish Tragedy, Kyd.” After all this time, I figured it was worth a look, a time to back up and look at the probable inspiration for much of Shakespeare’s — and the Elizabethan Stage — think: source file.

Most academic outlets suggest it’s a root for Great Caesar’s Ghost and — of course — Hamlet. Ghost, revenge, &c.

Spanish Tragedy

Everyone seems to cite Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedyhere or hear. Like the Simpsons, or Star Trek, part of the culture even if we haven’t seen it.

To be fair, I probably did see that Star Trek, I just don't think I was all that coherent. Portions of my childhood are rather fluid.

Spanish Tragedy

Easy enough to suggest that Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy was integral in whatever was popular culture at the time.

Having now listened to it once, and dug through the free version of the digital text, yeah, not always fan, I haven’t been able to sort much of it out. Yet.

The Spanish Tragedy (1586) – Thomas Kyd

The Spanish Tragedy (Norton Critical Editions)


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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