Boots Socks and Mercury Metaphor
As this current Mercury Retrograde gets ready to unfold, I had a perfect way to express the energy. This synodic period of Mercury’s trajectory through the heavens doesn’t have to spell out trouble, as there are useful ways to put this energy to use.
Boots Socks and Mercury Metaphor
I had to attend a funeral the other day. Didn’t have to, but I was invited, and in support of a fishing buddy, like extended family, not a big deal. Not the first funeral this year, either.
First Catholic funeral I’ve been to, I think, but don’t hold me to that; however, certainly, the first one I recall, yeah, sure.
I have slimmed down my wardrobe quite a bit. For marrying or burying, though, it’s simple: black T, black jeans, black sport coat. What I tend to wear to work in the winter, as well, in as much as there is any kind of a winter around here. Dress cowboy boots.

The boots — the dress boots — Lucchese hand-made brand are like slipping on an old pair of gloves that are form-fitted to perfection. I have two pair, no, three pair. Two of those are “everyday wear,” now that I’m firmly in South Texas, and what, with global warming and all, I tend to wear footwear maybe a total of a month out of the year, the cold days between November and February. Cold to me. Below 70. It’s not that often. I might just stay home and write, shivering, barefoot.
So the boots, my fancy dress boots, those are slightly slimmer than everyday wear, and those boots require a “dress” pair of socks. I prefer cotton tube socks, mismatched, if possible, highly probable that my normal socks are mismatched, as no one sees to tell the difference.
Boots Socks and Mercury Metaphor
However, funeral, and out of respect for the living, not the departed, but respect for those attending? I pulled out the good socks, my thin, dress socks. I bought a package of them years ago, and never bothered after that to pay much attention — only wear those socks with the dress boots.
As I sat down to pull on my socks then boots, suiting up for a quick, short trip to Austin? I noticed the socks have an embroidered, raised-thread design on the outside, which, means, the inside is rough and unfinished thread backing. Knots and loose ends. The outside is shiny and smooth.
Not taking the boots off for security at the airport, nothing to think about, I reversed the socks, wearing them inside out.
Only person who would know was me.
Boots Socks and Mercury Metaphor
Pulling on the reversed socks, wondering why I never did this before, made me think about the reversal of Mercury, the reversal of Venus, and where we stand.
We stand in socks that are reversed but no one can see them, and my feet are far more comfortable.
To some, this is a “life-hack,” to others, this is stupid. To me, it is an obvious solution to Mercury in Retrograde, and an example of how to use that energy in a productive way.
Yes, I know it seems stupid-simple, and yet, think, there I am, all dressed up, pulling on socks, and pausing, long enough to think about the ideas and concepts, what is required to make an uncomfortable situation less discomfiting.
Boots Socks and Mercury Metaphor
Sock reversal, as a way to muddle forward?
Sure, works as well as anything.
Mercury in Retrograde, Venus in Retrograde, just turn the socks inside out?
Get it?
It works.
It really, really works!
(Some restrictions may apply.)