Shout Out SWA

Shout Out SWA

Meanwhile, somewhere over Texas

I’ve been commuting across the American SouthWest for more than a quarter of a century, and on SWA, after not-so-cheap seats on another — now defunct — airline.

While I didn’t intend to, El Paso is a regular stop. Quickest, shortest frequently least expensive? SWA.

This is the second time in recent memory the ground crew — groundlings — in El Paso have gone beyond their required standards to insure I had a pleasant journey that was disrupted by weather, with routings and changes, tardy flights, the usual problems.

As I often quote, from someplace in Kinky Friedman’s canon of work?

“Doesn’t matter if your destination is
heaven or hell, flying in Texas?
You’ll connect through Dallas.”

Pink Cake: The Quote Collection – Kramer Wetzel

Therein is the problem. Again, however, I got to the airport a little earlier than usual, grabbed some coffee after clearing security, then wandered on to the least-used gate and inquired, since the flights were late, if there was an easier — or quicker — way to get home.

Got my boots shined. Albuquerque, Phoenix, Seattle, Dallas-Love, DFW, and El Paso, tried them all. Best is El Paso. Has been for years. Least expensive, too.

Wandered back and the gate agent — weather — made my flight late and I’d miss a connection, and, so? She changed my stuff.

Not the first time, either, and different crews, but still, seems like the nicest ground crews work in El Paso, for SWA.

On approach to DAL (Dallas Love Field)? The aircraft came in from the south and west, turned once over the green fields at the outskirts, and proceeded up — eventually — Lemmon Ave. looking out the right side, for tiniest moment, there was an apartment I lived in, back many years distant.

Did you ever see Dallas from DC-9 at night?

It’s good to end on a musical note, but honestly? There should be an updated lyric, “Ever see Dallas from 737 at night?”

(Painted like Shamu, or bright blue — with a wet fuel cell…)

Pink Cake: The Quote Collection – Kramer Wetzel

Pink Cake: A Commonplace Book

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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