Mercury Metaphors

Mercury Metaphors

Mercury is in apparent retrograde motion from April 9 until May 3, 2017.

4 Taurus to 24 Aries, Earth and Fire.

Sitting at the breakfast table one morning, across from me was a catalog of “unknown (and unknowable) items,” as some would say, “Girl Stuff.”

So I was looking at the back page of an advertising circular, probably from a Sunday paper, maybe a regular mail catalog, I’m unsure, and I was looking at it upside down. Top left corner, which, for me, was the lower right corner, I thought it looked like a selection of thumb drives. Stylish thumb drives, from the looks of it.

What I was thinking, a brief, morning analysis, must be selling thumb drives as a cosmetic package, with fanciful cases — one of the drives looked bare. The rest of the collected images, though, looked like there were V-shaped caps, or diamond-shaped tops, and one had a vaguely pill-shaped drive — merely a plastic coating over the barest of thumb drives, I was guessing, 4 or 8 gig at best. After all, it was cosmetics for sale.

I looked a little harder, though, and what I was seeing was an upside down collection of perfumes. Or a gift pack. Perfumes, sprays, and I-don’t-know-what-else. Classically, to my male-mind, “Girl stuff.”

Mercury Metaphors

As a Mercury in Retrograde metaphor, it was perfect.

I was looking at something I know nothing about, and I was looking at it upside down. I layered my own world-view on top of what I was seeing, and I dismissed the images.

I think there’s a pretty clear message there.

Time to get the ducks in a row?

Time to follow the arrows that way?

Mercury Metaphors

Portable Mercury Retrograde


Portable Mercury Retrograde – Kramer Wetzel

Portable Mercury Retrograde:’s Mercury in Retrograde

Portable Mercury Retrograde

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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