Comedy of Errors

Comedy of Errors

“The shortest and most unified of all Shakespeare’s plays, The Comedy of Errors, is regarded by many scholars as his very first, which I tend to doubt. It show such skill, indeed mastery—in action, incipient character, and stagecraft—that it far outshines the three Henry VI plays and the rather lame comedy The Two Gentlemen of Verona” Page 21.

The opening lines from Bloom’s commentary in his Shakespeare, the Invention of the Human, seen here. I do not agree with the summary dismissal of The Two Gentlemen of Verona, though.

From other commentary, the simplest explanation is that the play is a fairly intricate weaving of high and low comedy, plus twins, a pair of twins, and then, slapstick.

There are two sets of identical of twins, and whichever twin is on stage is the wrong one for its partner. Three Stooges meets Fine Art — and should mete out a beating.

The other reference tome I tend towards?

“Like many of Shakespeare’s comedies, The Comedy of Errors begins with an inflexible law and the human dilemma caused by the law’s impersonal enforcement.” Page160.

First line from Garber’s Shakespeare After All, seen here.

In Austin? Under Austin’s Violet Crown?

Comedy of Errors marquee

Comedy of Errors marquee

Comedy of Errors flracing

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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