Another Dead Apple
The image, Another Dead Apple, is on my side-project. Quick shot of an older iPod Shuffle (that was its name, right?)
After its first year, that one didn’t see much use, it was shortly replaced with a phone, but every few months, I’ll drag it out, intent on doing something useful with it, like all of an opera, or a series of Shakespeare plays, read aloud.
Can’t say I was shocked, though, that the line was quietly retired by Apple. While I admire the backward-engineered tech, one must be forever forward looking.
These days, the thing in the phone hooks to thing in the car and that plays the music — or whatever — through the thing in car from the thing on the phone. Sometimes, it can be more complicated. Older cars, like the one? I had to order a wireless bluetooth FM transmitter and SD card player, but that thing now works.
I used to carry cables, spare chargers, extra earbuds, and such digital-to-analog gear, but not so much anymore.