From Marcus Aurelius Book Ten

From Marcus Aurelius Book Ten

“A healthy pair of eyes should see everything that can be seen and not say, ‘No! Too bright!’ (which is a symptom of ophthamlia).

“A healthy sense of hearing or smell should be prepared for any sound or scent; a healthy stomach should have the same reaction to all foods, as a mill to what it grinds.

“So too a healthy mind should be prepared for anything. The one that keeps saying, ‘Are my children all right?’ or ‘Everyone must approve of me’ is like eyes that can only stand pale colors, or teeth that can only handle mush.”

Excerpt From: Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius. Meditations. Book # X, v. 35

“35. The sound eye should see all there is to be seen, but should not say: I want what is green only. For that is characteristic of a disordered eye. And the sound hearing and smell should be equipped for all that is to be heard or smelled. And the sound digestion should act towards all nutriment as a mill towards the grist which it was formed to grind. So should the sound mind be ready for all that befalls. But the mind that says: Let my children be safe! Let all applaud my every act! is but as an eye that looks for green things or as teeth that look for soft things.”

Marcus Aurelius (Loeb Classical Library)

Delphi Complete Works of Marcus Aurelius – Marcus Aurelius

Meditations – Marcus Aurelius & Gregory Hays

Meditations: A New Translation (Modern Library)

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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