Death Wish Coffee

Death Wish Coffee

As seen here, Death Wish Coffee.

Recent publicity made me think about that stuff, and I was running low, so I hoped amazon would have a fire sale. No luck, regular price. Not bad coffee. Not great coffee. And I can neither confirm nor deny the purported strength.

Death Wish Coffee

In the last few months, I’ve been through a pound of Hawaiian Coffee, which, to my mind, was a waste. Wasn’t the good stuff I recall. Flavor wasn’t there. I had a pound of “single origin,” then some Central American peaberry, then some more single origin (batch roasted). While distinctive enough in flavor, none of it was outstanding. Good enough, but not really worth the price.

Death Wish Coffee got caught with the threat of contaminated pre-packaged beverages. That contamination — purported problem — think: alleged — could in no way affect the coffee beans, which is how I buy my coffee. In a single acts of defiance, I bought a bag of loose beans.

Death Wish Organic USDA Certified Whole Bean Coffee, 16 Ounce Bag

The roasted beans look like a dark roast, bit of oil, just a little shy of an old stand-by for me, Italian Roast. These days, I’m using “pour-over” style to make coffee, with a typical morning coffee pot done in a Chemex. The Death Wish Coffee beans have a distinctive “non-distinctive” aroma, straight from the sealed container. Then, in the grinder, again, a hint of something, but it just smells like coffee. Not good, not bad, just coffee.

Nothing distinctive in its flavor.

For brewing, the grinds “bloom” nicely enough, but the flavor isn’t spectacular. Could be any kind of coffee. The alleged high intensity caffeine content, again, I have no way to judge that.

What’s remarkable about the flavor, after the hints of chocolate with a walnut overtone, and earthy with cherry-like follow-through? The Death Wish Coffee produces a brew that amazingly devoid of floral, contrasting, nutty, chocolate, earthy, wine tones. No subtle shades.

Tastes like coffee. Tastes like normal coffee.

Death Wish Coffee

My earlier experience with Death Wish Coffee?

Death Wish Coffee

Death Wish Organic USDA Certified Whole Bean Coffee, 16 Ounce Bag

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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