Tragedy in Sutherland Springs, TX

Tragedy in Sutherland Springs, TX

Sunday morning, the time change, and so forth, and just after the full moon, I was wondering. I showed up early for work, a local event in San Antonio, seemingly extra early. My personal set-up is down to two bags, essentially a laptop and accouterments. Can’t really do it in under 5 minutes, but I timed it out at six or seven minutes, not long ago, in Austin.

Not bad. So I was up and running, except for the stupid WiFi thing, within minutes. Say, ten in the morning or so. For the next hour, before the doors were even officially open, I fielded questions from a half dozen professional psychics, my various cohorts, as each wanted an astrological take on what was up ahead.

Interesting, the professional fortunetellers rely on me for astrological weather. Before the doors were officially open, even with professional courtesy discounts, I showed a profit for the day. I looked, and some asked, the moon had just slipped into Gemini.

Nov 5 2017

Nov 5 2017

Juno and Pluto, conjunct, just on the horizon, Vesta opposite from Uranus, and Mercury at 29 — last degree — of Scorpio — Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio, as well.

Jupiter in Scorpio

As of yet, I haven’t seen the shooter’s chart. However, what caught my attention, a spoken warning I made several times early that morning?

With the Moon just crossing into the sign after it was full, there was cantankerous, cranky energy.

In previous volumes of work, I mention this. It’s something that I watch for. It is a time of caution. Good time to fish, but might have problems backing the boat into the water.

Doesn’t stop this from being a senseless tragedy, with roots deep in San Antonio’s heartland, the church where the attack occurred is less than an hour east of here.

My current philosophical belief system is that there is a master plan, with a chart only shows partial data. There is always choice and free will. The backdrop of the tragedy is fraught with a certain unresolved tension, and the answer?

Maybe I don’t have an answer.

I am always amused by the number of psychics who use me and my information to add veracity to their visions.

Tragedy in Sutherland Springs, TX

Astrological portents are in that chart, but they do not spell out “Mass Shooting in Sutherland Springs;” to me, the signs indicate personalities under pressure. In that situation, some of us do well, and others, not so well.

I was disheartened by the political/media circus that quickly swung into action, as a response. By the end of my work day, there was a full account with plenty of theories and remarkable absence of fact.

A small town has been devastated. An apparently senseless and random act of domestic terrorism?

Capricorn — with Pluto rising — at the moment? Compounded with Juno, then, Mars/Venus in Libra, causing tension? The tipping point, though, as far as I can see with such a cursory glance, Moon in Gemini.

The recent Full Moon, along the Scorpio-Taurus axis squared the eclipse cycles from last summer, and that might be the source of the problems. Or what made small problems large problems with no apparent way out.

Various reports, and I couldn’t get any kind of accurate data this morning, but the shooter was — best guess — a harmonic convergence millennial, and that Pluto will play an integral part of this story, as more unfolds.

I’m not the psychic. I just read the star charts. After so many years, I see patterns and trends, but no, I doubt anyone could have predicted this.

If the perpetrator is a harmonic convergence millennial, then Uranus and Neptune would be around the middle of Capricorn in the natal chart, and Pluto would probably activate that mess.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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