

Not like I have great Expectations, but I was looking for some off-beat, catchy, informed, Shakespeare blogs. Hoping to find those renegade scholars. One place listed a variety of sources I had not seen, so I clicked through, and the site started the immediate process of signing me up.

The next morning, having already dropped a couple of new sites into my feeder reader, I looked at the inbound e-mail, and I had several from the new service, merely an automated aggregator of feeds, which I already have.

Click-click, unsubscribe then one more click and deleted the account, not without that last, “Wait, we hate to see you go, and can you tell us why you’re leaving?”

  • Because you’re annoying?
  • Because you add no value to the process?
  • Because the up-sell started immediately?
  • Because you “gamed the SEO” to present a false answer?

Pick any combination. Pick all of the above.

$1 deal

Sign up for my site, and you’ll get access to the most current horoscopes, access to all digital texts, commentary and sometimes super-quick replies.

What I offer isn’t that unique, or, for that matter, different. But the price of admission? $1. Up front about that.


When I was plodding around on the web late at night, looking for more Shakespeare scholarship material, the slick way I got sucked into that sales funnel irritated me.

There are a number of good blogs and so forth, plus one podcast that I like, all assuage my Shakespeare itch. What I wanted was more material, and it was my choice to click through. Too bad I didn’t read all the fineprint.

See, this is material, once I find it, this is material that — bloggy-style — publishes on some kind of schedule about a topic that is near and dear to my intellectual bits. Means I can pick it up in a “feed reader,” one that I paid for. Means I can choose when, where, if, I read the feeds.

$1 deal

From careful (not really, more like cursory) examination of the logs from my own site, I know that a number of my customers do the exact same thing.


When I was looking for more, interesting, Shakespeare “stuff,” what I was really trying to find was a few more blogs.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

Use of this site (you are here) is covered by all the terms as defined in the fineprint, reply via e-mail.

© 1993 – 2025 Kramer Wetzel, for astrofish.net &c. astrofish.net: breaking horoscopes since 1993.

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