Arden of Faversham

Arden of Faversham

Moon Mars Winedale

Moon Mars Winedale

From sources, the play was listed in the register in 1592, and current academic thinking places it as an early Shakespeare collaboration, most probably with an unknown author.

More about Shakespeare’s Henry 6. Recent scholarship suggests there was a collaborator or two on the Henry VI trilogy, and those date from 1589 to 1591 or 2. Most recently, that Henry 6 collaborator is thought to be Marlowe.

Arden of Favesham? It’s now a part of the Shakespeare Apocrypha, in other words? Stuff we don’t know for sure. Thinking through its — purported — roots? I was going to call it, “Based on a true story,” but much of Shakespeare’s work, certainly the History plays are based on a true story.

Brave offering from UT Winedale’s summer program.

Arden of Faversham

Excellent work, on the part of the cast, crew, and support teams. Sort of ends up a Shakespeare CSI, or NCIS Shakespeare, with less emphasis on the procedural, and more on the repeated, almost comic, failed attempts at murder (most foul).

Side note, I got to get an electronic copy of the text to use for sources.

Never studied this text. Only recently added to the canon of accepted as “written by Shakespeare” in the most recent Oxford Complete Works per the directorial notes.

Easy to see some of the roots of other material, guessing it was in keeping with the tastes of the times.

Think the moral was don’t murder your husband, but that might a tad simplistic.

Arden of Faversham

The actual eclipse was over, but the Moon, aligned with Retrograde Mars, was rising as the show ended.

In rep at Shakespeare Winedale (UT &c.)

Arden of Faversham

Arden of Faversham

Arden of Faversham

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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