Horoscopes for 7.26.2018

    “Drums, strike alarum, raise them from their sport,”
    Young Mortimer in Marlowe’s Edward II, 2.3.26

Breaking, briefly, with tradition, as this is a “Close enough to count” scenario, but using Young Marlow as a source, an early contemporary of Shakespeare. There was something about the scene that reminded me we needed to be reminded.

Questions are always free, some answers require a cash deposit. E-mail is always “on.”

Mercury starts its retrograde pattern in earnest and? Total Lunar Eclipse July 27, 2018. That means?

Horoscopes for 7.26.2018

The Leo

The Leo

The Leo

The part of the passage I liked the best was the part about, “Drums, strike alarum…” and that fits well for The Majestic Leo.

One of my classic mental images of The Leo was an old family friend (Leo in case it wasn’t obvious), at the head of the family dining table, carrying on about an issue. Might’ve been a big deal, might’ve been a small point of order, but a big deal in The Leo’s eyes.

As the “Lord of the Manor,” that Majestic Leo held court and held forth about whatever it was. He also sat there and lifted not one finger to address the issue itself. Hint: birthday time, Leo time, maybe be your “lordly” self for this next few days.



The Virgin

When in doubt? The twin influences of the eclipse in its location, in your chart, and the mercurial Mercury pattern suggests that there is doubt. More doubt than usual. More questioning. More questions than answers. More of my patented, trademarked, “I don’t know.” So the answer, and I lifted this from an internet meme, a simple piece of art?

“When in doubt, incubate.”

When there is Virgo doubt, and there will be proprietary Virgo doubt due to the influences, and when confronted with that Virgo doubt?


Doesn’t mean to give up. Doesn’t really mean to equivocate, just suggests that the idea, concept, instance, issue, problem, the thing you were working on before it all went to hell in a bucket? Just stick it on the back burner. Set it on slow-roast, maybe, let it simmer. Turn it over in the recesses of the hyper-analytical and super-critical Virgo mind. But maybe? Just let that material set and stew in its own juices until it is ready to be hatched. Probably not right away.

“When in doubt, incubate.”



The Scales

Convenience and inconvenience. What this is all about, seriously, there’s a moment where the convenience factor outweighs the inconvenience.

Convenience and inconvenience.

Libra: Convenience and inconvenience? “Look, it wasn’t the best way to do it, but it worked, and it was easiest.” Operative word? “Easiest.”

Convenience and inconvenience.

What Libra is looking for is an expedient, efficient route. This might not be permanent, but short-cuts are good.

When I’ve been fishing the part of the fishing line that gets used the most is the last ten yards of line. Over a long day, as that leader portion gets frayed, I’ll just cut and stick in my pocket. So I’ll start with 100 yards pooled up and by the end of really good day — images on the website someplace — I’ll have maybe 70 yards, and single big Red can pull that off, or most of it. Still, as a shortcut? It sure is a lot easier to just trim off the weak portion at the end instead of trying to reel on another 100 yards.

Libra: Convenience and inconvenience?




As a good Scorpio, and you’re reading this, so I’ll have to assume you’re one of the good ones, but as a good Scorpio? There’s an old expression I’ve become fond of, and it works for this week’s — mostly we can blame Mars — but it works with this week’s material.

“Some days, I fight my demons! Other days? We just cuddle.”

Cozy up to the so called “demons” in the Scorpio worldview at this moment. Makes peace, maybe throw a Scorpio arm around the demons themselves. Hug them a little. Doesn’t have to be a full-frontal, grind the pelvis, typical Scorpio hug, but do throw an arm around thy demons, and drag them in a little closer. This follows the other sage advice about “Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer?” I maybe have muddled the phrasing on this, not that it matters, the idea is sound.




There’s a sensationalist, tabloid headline kind of energy that we, as Sagittarius, can fall prey to. There’s a kind of link-bait, eye-grabbing, over-the-top kind of energy that we are gravitating towards. “Click here!” There’s always the “End of the World!” That one comes packaged in a number of different guises, but the material is all about the same. There’s a headline that screams, doesn’t just shout, it seeks the need for attention because of some kind of impending doom — with horrific details, and the Sagittarius clue? “Click for more details,” or “continued on page six.” Something that begs for that extra effort to get invested into the panic, the problem, the issue of tragedy and ….

It’s just hype.

Sometimes, ever watch local news on a slow news day? That’s what this is like. A manufactured problem, where, sometimes, there isn’t one. As a Sagittarius myself, I have to remember not to get sucked into the drama — especially manufactured drama — as this can keep me from seeing the situation as it really is. If it looks like a sensationalist tabloid headline with little merit or substance? Might want to treat it as such — valid as entertainment, but not valid as a Sagittarius emotional investment.



The Sea Goat

A particular author I’m quite fond of, one of his recent books was just savagely reviewed on Amazon. 3 Stars. Skewered then ripped apart. The main flaw, according to the one review? “Flat, stock characters with no empathy.” No emotional commitment from the reader as the character doesn’t display any humanity. Which was funny, to me, as that displays more data about the person doing the review than it does about the book itself. The brutal reviewer was complaining about something I’ve come to expect from that one author, deeply complex characterization that seem flat — on the surface. This is a time that requires digging a little deeper to find the meaning. Digging a little deeper to understand. Digging a little deeper to get the real message. Deeply complex with plenty of human emotion, just buried beneath a thin veneer that appears flat? Clues. Capricorn clues to make it through the week. Dig. Dig a little deeper. Remember? Mars is happening, even now.



The Water Bearer

Many (many) years ago, I experienced a particularly tough planetary transit fraught with symbolism. To some, the interpretation was obvious, this was a sucker-kick, straight to the solar plexus. I was supposed to be doubled-over in pain, wondering why the world was so mean, and why everyone was out to get me. What had I done to deserve this kind of ill treatment? Nothing. I use medicinal herbs. I drink organic tea. I meditate. Still, I had this almost uncontrollable urge — at that time — to respond in an uncharacteristically violent manner. I wasn’t responding in a defensive manner, I was going to attack! Burn down the enemy!

Violence, especially with Mars, the eclipse and so forth? Rarely goes well, and this week, certainly not in the Aquarius favor.

What I learned, and what I tried when this was a trying time for me? I looked up at the heavens and asked whatever it was that I believed in (at the time) to guide me to my lesson. Guide me through. I’m not fighting it, what am I supposed to learn? What’s the message? What does the symbolism mean, and, if possible, can we make this simple enough that I don’t miss, or mistake, the message?

It is a simple way to work with what is going on, what is the message, and please, can we make this simple enough so a guy like me can understand what the message is?

Hint: worked really well.



The Fishes

I have one placeholder in a digital device, and I call it, “Boneyard of Ideas.” It’s where great ideas go to die. It’s where great ideas are gently interred for time’s eternal passages. There is, as I hoped the name would suggest, the genesis of an idea, as a “boneyard” is more than grave, it’s a place where the naked skeletons — the flesh is stripped from the dead bones, and all that’s left is the mere outline. What used to be, and what may never be, just the structural outline.

My “Boneyard of Ideas” is full of websites, website ideas, “There’s an app for that,” quotes, meandering and diverting thoughts, and so much more. I’ll wake up in the middle of the night with a great idea. In meditation, a wonderful process presents itself, unbidden, and possibly, untenable. Some ideas can be resurrected from that boneyard, and new flesh can grow on the skeletal remains. Other times, I have some material that has lingered for decades, or so it seems. Why it might belong in a boneyard of ideas. “More like a bone-head of ideas,” at least one Pisces will smirk. Yeah, that, too. I am unsure of what your own, Pisces flavored “Boneyard of Ideas” looks like. I can’t get a clear picture of that. But I do know this is an excellent week to see what skeletons need to have flesh grown back on them. Old ideas, back from the dead.



Aries The Ram

Hang around, I live in South Texas, hang around long enough and there are plenty of funny expressions. With one buddy?

“Lift kit for Mom’s Tahoe.”

The “Tahoe” in the expression, I don’t think the lady even drives a Tahoe anymore, think she’s got a Jeep now, but the joke ran, she’s really short, and despite being an excellent mother to two children, that mom, fishing buddy’s wife, she does tend to wear short skirts.

The term refers to an outlandish decision, never implemented, by my buddy. With his penchant for trucks with over-sized tires and extended suspension systems, we just all thought he would, sooner or later, put risers and big tires on the wife’s Tahoe.

“Lift kit for Mom’s Tahoe.”

It’s an empty threat, running joke for us, and the car she drives, the Jeep, the name doesn’t even line up with the expression, so this is a bit dated. Still, when smirking about ideas that might never come to fruition, or some other inside joke about the absurdities in life?

“Lift kit for Mom’s Tahoe.”

This week, in Aries, it’s like getting a lift kit for Mom’s Tahoe. Or saying you’re going to get a Lift kit for Mom’s Tahoe.



The Bull

When I was a mere wisp of a lad, 10 years old, one year was one-tenth of my life. Ten years later? One year was merely one-twentieth of my life, 10% to 5%, and each year? It gets smaller. While time — the physicist assure me — travels in linear fashion, my perception of time changes, along an exponential curve. This week, and the energy let loose upon Taurus-land, by that eclipse pattern? Seems to hurry things up. Or slow them down, and then, hurry them up. There’s an urgency that seems to be missing. Slow, fast, faster, more hurried.

“Let’s circle back that one, and…”

I just like the idea of using that expression. “Let’s circle back to that one,” and then, the intended idea is to keep pushing forward, toward whatever the goal is. Was. Is. There’s a destination for Taurus and there is that time-constraint, and the way the time seems to compress, and there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to get stuff done. So as simplistic, yet fruitful Taurus suggestions?

“Let’s circle back that one, and…”



The Twins

I am unsure if it is the item itself that sells, or the story behind the object. “Provenance,” to some, would be the word. I wonder if this stems from a life spent first looking at glossy catalogs and dreaming, then looking — and shopping — online. The retail experience and the landscape of that retail experience has changed dramatically in my lifetime. If there is something that I desire, want, or need, I first look online, compare prices between a few locations, and then see if there is one in a store near me. If there is one in a store near me, I’ll look at it, and decide if it what I want. There is then a complicated algorithm that I must process, “immediacy” versus “perceived price.”

That should the Gemini “Big Picture” for the next few days, and drilling down a bit? Which is more important, this next week? Immediacy? Like, “I must have this now!” Or is it price, like, “I found it much cheaper, but it takes three days to be delivered!” Three days can seem like a long time — to the impatient Gemini. While this might seem needlessly complicated, I have a suggestion, go with the cheapest one. The online order, the way the price to performance ratio, and the concept that you might be able to return the item if it doesn’t work right for Gemini, all of that can be factored in, as well, of course, as the price. Some days, cheaper is better.



The Crab - the Moonchild

The Crab

One of my business associates, me and him, we were discussing a certain function of our businesses. We are in very similar lines of work, although he tends to use a different set of symbols, and he doesn’t have a weekly column. But we are similar. However, he came across a situation where there was — to him — merely a black or white definition. Made an interesting point because I’ve never quite encountered the Cancer (Moon Child) energy that gets resolutely stuck on an idea. In this example, it was merely a definition, not even an issue. Not even germane to the discussion itself, but there he was, and understand? I respect this guy, like, a lot. Yet, there he was, unwavering from a minutest point of the very definition of the word, and from that point, building outwards? That rendered the rest of the discussion as invalid, in his eyes. In his Cancer (Moon Child) mind, a single point stopped the discussion from moving forward. There was no room for exigent circumstances, no room for pre-existing conditions, and no room for gray areas. This next few days is about understanding that there are, indeed, some gray areas. Some areas where the letter of the law and the spirit of the law might vary.



About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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