Horoscopes for 11.22.2018

    Tut, tut, my lord, we will not stand to prate;
    Talkers are no good doers. Be assur’d;
    We go to use our hands, and not our tongues.

1st Murder in Shakespeare’s Richard 3 (I.iii.350-2)

Happy Sagittarius Birthday!

The Sun enters the Tropical Zodiac sign of Sagittarius Nov. 22, 2018 around 3:22 AM.

Horoscopes for 11.22.2018




What I recall about the past says more about what I think about the present, than what has passed. Happy birthday, Sagittarius? Sure. The past, personal history in whatever form it might take? That is a slippery slope. Between the Venus not retrograde and the Mercury just getting geared up and moving backwards, there’s a hint, an echo, a repetitive memory that is calling. But what we recall doesn’t always have to do with the past, it is more a reflection about what we think about the present.

The retrogrades serves as a mirror to memories, real — or imagined. The memories, real or imagined, are about the stories we tell ourselves now. While a moment’s reverie can be illustrative and constructive, more than a blink of an eye, more than a moment’s beat or two? That’s too much time spent reliving past occurrences. What our Sagittaerius selves choose to remember? Says more about our current situations rather than what really went on the good, old days. Or, as I have come to refer to a certain epoch in my personal history? “The bad old days.” What we recall about the past says more about our present than is does about what has passed.



The Sea Goat

“Kramer, this looks like a peyote button — figures.” No. It does not figure. I will call a foul on that one. It is a bead — nothing more. It does not remotely resemble a ‘peyote button,’ or any other kind of mind-altering substance. “Mescaline, I know it!” No. It’s a wooden bead, from whence, I know not, and it is still sitting in a small dish, looks kind of like an ashtray, got some change, a couple of crystals, a good luck token, a single I-Ching coin, just the usual crap.

When the planets are like they are, this is the kind of comment that can go sideways, badly, in a hurry. To exacerbate the situation? The more I deny? The more my buddy insisted I had some kind hallucinogenic substance, just sitting out inside the front door. Yeah, no. However, Capricorn? Think about how I was vilified. Peyote does grow, south of here. Archeological evidence suggests that it has been used — medicinally — for over 5,000 years. I haven’t and I probably won’t — ever. And it really is just a wooden bead. First Venus now Mercury? See how badly this spins out of control?



The Water Bearer

One strength that I bring to this task of etching a course, and then plotting the meaning of the passage of the planets? One of the strengths that I bring to this endeavor is that I was not burdened by years of rote learning wherein certain elements could only mean one thing. When I started doing this, I was fresh, with no ingrained beliefs that shaded my interpretations, and that works better.

With the madness, mercurial and other, unfolding?

Pretend like this is the first time you’ve seen this. Assume that you can’t assume any prior knowledge. To jump sideways with this, one of the post-modern theories for looking critically at a piece of artwork is to judge the work of art on its merits, as a standalone piece. Not the historical, social, or other influence, but as single piece of art. Combine these two elements, the idea of letting go of some preconceived notions, and then, apply that to moving forward. It’s about definitions, and what definitions we use. Maybe no definitions, for the time being, I mean, look at what’s going on. Assume no assumptions.



The Fishes

There’s a zen-like koan for times like this, what with family, holidays, and Mars. Mostly Mars, but with all the stuff going on in Pisces? “Meditate for ten minutes, every morning.” There’s a kicker to this notation, though, “If you can’t mediate for ten minutes then meditate for twenty minutes.” As one of my more silly addendum to the thoughts about mediation, if you claim you have no time for meditation, consider how much time is spent on various social media sites. If you can spend two hours FaceBook stalking, or cruising Twitter, Instagram, etc.? Looking on Pinterest for a new Turkey Day decoration? Any of that? That time could be spent in meditation. With Mars, cooking, frying and approaching Neptune, you have some time to pause, close your eyes, and reflect. Maybe not sit zazen, maybe no full lotus, but a few moments in quiet reflection will help more than any other medication or stimuli to help bring some calm before the Mars storm hits. Yeah, it’s also the holidays, huh?



Aries The Ram

Many year ago, I discovered my “eyes got tired” after working on a glowing computer screen, all day. Late in the evening, I would slip on reading glasses, cheap, bought in bulk, non-prescription, and not very strong. But the glasses worked well enough. Over the years, I’ve gotten to where I need stronger and stronger “reading glasses,” and these days, I have glasses with a slightly uneven lens strength, as prescribed by the eye doctor. Not always required, but after long hours, I’ll complain that my eyes are tired.

The problem came, and I thought about this week’s Aries stuff, since, I had on my computer glasses, and I didn’t slide them up on my head, as I stepped away from the computer. I ran into the wall. Not really, but I my shoulder caught an edge of a door jam because the reading glasses, good for close work, are no good for walking. I’m grateful there are no steps here. Turning a corner too sharply, with an empty coffee cup was the only problem — for me. But after I pushed the glasses back on my head, and refilled the coffee, and as I carefully made my way back to Aries, pause and think. If I had adjusted how I saw things before I walked off, I wouldn’t have banged into the doorway. Really simple adjustment, too, just pushed the reading glasses up on my forehead. For Aries, it’s an easy adjustment in how you see something and that can save you pain.



The Bull

25 years later, and I’m back in the kitchen. I couldn’t help but think about that, been a little more than 25 years, but a quarter century is as good a number as any. That one does resonate properly. Been 25 years, and I’m back in the kitchen. Over the years, as I moved around, starting in old East Austin, I would use my kitchen table as a workspace. I did computer surgery there, assembly and reconstruction. Mostly, I did astrology readings there. Card readings, too. I worked, on a laptop, at the kitchen table for many years, moving around to an office, then a desk in an office, then a desk in an office in a trailer park, and then, back to kitchen tables and so forth, in San Antonio. Been a good trip. Finding myself back where I started, I was given pause.

As Taurus, time to give it a pause and glance back. Where you’ve been, where you started, what your roots are, and where those roots are the strongest foundation. Moving forward under the current astrological duress might be a bit more difficult than one would like. Not impossible, but consider working backwards, looking back, or digging through your past, in effect, to see where those foundation elements are. Having a firm grip on your actual foundation makes it easier to build for your future. Before we can build for the future, though, firm grip on your foundation. For me, simply acknowledging that — after 25 years — the little kitchen table kind of setting works really well for my way of thinking. Recall, too, that familiar piece of advice I dole out every three months or so, about how it is OK to look over your shoulder to see where you’ve been, just don’t dwell in the past. But having a grip on your foundation helps build a better Taurus tomorrow.



The Twins

Buddy of mine was describing arriving home, late one holiday evening, to find his wife and kids passed out. Their kitchen was a wreck. The living room had toys scattered about, making it a virtual minefield. He went about how there was also the remnants of a couple of blankets made into either a fort or tent, but he was unsure. Right before the holiday season, my buddy had been pulling some long hours at work. Coming into the mess; the house looked like a small disaster area; anyone with kids understands; my buddy was agitated, but, then, according to what he told me, he was too tired to fight with any of it, and he passed out — 18 hour work days do that to non-Gemini people.

There are two ways to spin this. Patience pays off. The wife and kids were striving to be awake when my buddy got home, and there was that desperate attempt by his girlfriend to keep herself and the kids awake. Didn’t work, but anyone with little kids understands. Another part of the Gemini equation here, his domestic residence was, had been, early that day, had been neat and clean. In an effort to be the most accommodating, the family failed. Either my buddy was too late getting home, or the activities wore everyone, kids and all, out. The choice, next few days, how you read this situation, either the wife and kids are deliberately trying to get on the last Gemini nerve — or — the wife and kids are trying to stay up and greet daddy. One is malicious. One is joyous. Yeah, yeah, Mercury, etc., but seriously, malicious? Or joyous? As an additional thought, Gemini, you always want other people to recognize your efforts, even if they fall short, so shouldn’t you, too, especially now, recognize the difference between malicious and joyous?


The Crab - the Moonchild

The Crab

What you want to do and what you should do? Two warring voices inside the Cancer, Moon Child’s shell. Mostly in the head, but to keep true to the metaphor, let’s suggest the war of words is within the shell. What you want to do and what you should do, a pattern as familiar as time itself.

Ever since our brain coalesced into sentience, this has been a problem, what you want to do and what you should do. Want to play, eat turkey, and fall asleep in front of a ball game. Should help cook and clean. Again the war is on! What you should do and what you want to do. The biggest obstacle asking someone like me for advice? I am such a lazy slob, I’ll go with what looks like it is fun and easy. I don’t always go for what is most correct. Oh to be sure, in my mind, I can justify your actions for you, why what was fun was more important than what was really important. But that’s me. This is still an age-old debate, and Cancer Moon Children making this an internal debate doesn’t help. What you want to do and what you should do? The real answer, if it isn’t clear, and I hope I don’t get in trouble for this, but the best answer? What you should do. Doesn’t always align with what you want to do.

The Leo

The Leo

The Leo

The usual panic I get from decent folks stricken with the sudden realization that Mercury is Retrograde is everywhere. However, as a majestic Leo, and being forewarned — well in advance — this one didn’t sneak up. Besides, the holiday season is a about reconnecting with those we love. My real and adopted families are far-flung at best. Makes this season about reconnection easier. East Coast cousins, mid-America, Left Coast family, all part of the mix.

My phone buzzed — number I didn’t recognize and I suspected was spam. I clicked and let it roll to voice mail. In return, I got long message from a distant cousin, wonder why his last email to me bounced, and wondering how I was doing in Austin. I called him back, we chatted for a half an hour, I got him updated, and since he still had an Austin address for me, yes, it had been some time since he’d seen me. That’s the upside to this week’s weirdness quotient. Frankly, I see no down side, not as long as the usual “Mercury is Retrograde” protocols are followed.

Mercury is Retrograde, if only, there was help.

Portable Mercury Retrograde

Portable Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde? RTFM?



The Virgin

While I am a writer, at least that’s how I identify, I am notoriously weak with grammar. I get swept away in the moment, and the process of writing takes a little longer, so I can give shape, form, and direction to what I am trying to convey. The process works well — for me. One of the challenges are the various classes, phrases, and then terms, for grammar and rhetoric, used in the language. I can dangle modifiers and split infinitives with relative aplomb. Doesn’t bother me a bit. It used to annoy one Virgo girlfriend, but, well, she’s an ex. We can see show that went. There was a frankly made-up term I encountered, but I liked it. Sounded like a real piece of rhetoric, an actual Latin term for a perceived kind of logic, and that logic was based upon the rules of grammar. Back to my weakness: grammar. This — given this week’s mercurial disposition and holidays — week’s suggestion is back to basics. Use no fancy grammar. Use no esoteric terms. Perhaps most important? Keep the Virgo sentence structure simple. None of my long, convoluted statements that seem to wrap around the page, and might be a bit too difficult to follow. Simple statements, repeated at least twice, as much to insure good Virgo delivery as to insure the statement is heard. Really should use active voice, too. Simple statements.



The Scales

Buddy of mine was telling me an adventure he had, as he fancies himself a bit of a “DIY” freak. He’ll cruise videos, consult books, and look at websites, or even ask for assistance, rather than paying someone to do the job. In this case it was putting a battery into an expensive watch. Seemed easy enough, just pop the back off, then there’s this little thing that hold this other little thing, and my buddy, while really quite proficient with tools, he is a large person, and his big fingers — one of the little watch things went “sproing,” and disappeared.

He ordered the part online, and replaced it all, only he had the battery in backwards. “So the watch ran backwards?” (I had to ask.) He looked at me, slightly disgusted because I obviously knew nothing about how quartz watches that require batteries would run, and no it didn’t run backwards, it didn’t run at all. But once he got the battery in correctly, it did work like it was supposed to. A miracle of self-reliant, DIY manhood, recovered. I just thought, electric watch, battery in backwards, hands would run in reverse? Think that would work? Took him the better part of a week to finally fix the watch, and took him, seemed like, the better part of week to explain the harrowing tale of repair. All of this, think, with Mercury in his position, relative to Libra? Only makes sense that a watch would run backwards, doesn’t it?




Bad times, good times, then bad times, and then good times, and then? Or now? Seems like you’re a little lost. While my goal is to provide a beacon of light, like a ray of hope, for Scorpio?

This is a combination of being self-reliant and asking for help.

It’s a little bit of both, and I can’t explain that in more clear terms. Mercury’s seeds of confusion have been scattered throughout this mess of a planetary array, and what that suggests? Your Scorpio self will be asking for help when you know how to do it yourself; and conversely, your Scorpio self will be saying, “Oh, I got this,” when, in fact, you don’t “got this.” What to do? As an equivocating, Sagittarius, guideline for Scorpio? Consider the prefacing statement, “Hey, I might need help with his,” before you start. That way, if you got this, like you might, then you’re fine, and if you need help, like I think you might, you’re covered as well. Make the best best of the holidays and so forth.

“You need help with that?”

I think I got it but I might need hand.

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astrofish.net sig file

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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