Texas Mattress Company

Texas Mattress Company

All about Texas Mattress Company.

Sorry to see the “new” old Threadgill’s disappear. At one point, the south location, close to a certain trailer park, was a second home to me. Been more than 20 years or so.

Favorite recollection, before I was well-known there, best story, came from a little Gemini waitress, one of the Thread-Girls, their term, not mine.

“We see you in here, almost every afternoon, with different girls. Like, are you a hooker?”

I almost blushed. No one wants to meet a strange man about an astrology chart, in an unkempt, possibly spooky, and ill-lit trailer park. Think: horror story tropes.

So the old-new Threadgill’s was an office of sorts. Early double-aughts. Gave rise to Two-Meat Tuesday as I drifted towards BBQ. It also sported an almost endless supply of retired neon, hence the connection with the Texas Mattress Co. sign.

Texas Mattress Company

I’m guessing, recalling, that sign was south of downtown but just north the south loop, the interstate. One of those highways with a blue, federal badge.

The fabric and texture of San Antonio defies a convenient and easy categorization.

Awash in history, yet portions contain the oddest “small town” feeling.

Weird, huh.

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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