Creating Content

Creating Content

Please ask for Assistance

Please ask for Assistance

One client looked at me and complained about the process of signing in to get access to the content on my sites, then commented that I obviously did all my own work, so the client suggested there wasn’t a real compliant, just not as user-friendly as desired.

But — so far — I manage, maintain, and create the content for all my own sites.

One Sunday morning, this popped up. Typically, I have two canned response to a request like this, advertising on and an older piece, content collaborator.

On Jan 13, 2019, at 3:02 AM, Daisy wrote:
Name: Daisy
Message: Hello,

I would love to write an article for as a guest author. I can provide you 100% Copyscape protected, interesting and informative article that will be helpful to your readers.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

There is a numbers game at work, here. The original estimates was 10% with my empirical evidence suggesting the response rate is closer to 1%, and the exception is when I send out postcards for an appearance, but I don’t think I’ve even done that in the last year. I know the main Austin promoter has an option for postcards, but not me.

I didn’t want to shoot either piece over because this was one of those notes that falls between spam and canned messages. A sort of business development, not quite in line with me, but deserving of a qualified response.

The deal is, I write everything for my own sites. Just the way it is. All images are my own. For better — or worse — I do all the work.

The original model was all of this ran through an editor, but he bailed decades back. The editorial process is all me. However, as I learned — the hard way — years back? I have to be responsible for everything I post. I have to answer for it.

So I’m tickled that one would think about offering to write for my own site, but I do it all.

Short reply?

“I do all my own stunts.”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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