Generalist vs Specialist

Generalist vs Specialist

When I first moved south to San Antonio, two things happened. One, my cholesterol count almost doubled, from under 200 to over 350.

I blame the excellent and superior cuisine in San Antonio. There’s that one taco place? Little dive, got the handmade tortillas? Hardly speak English? Know it?

I also got referred to a doctor, and he was a doctor’s doctor. Pretty sure he was classmate of an uncle, Texas Southwest Med, but that’s based on years, and times, and stuff. Both him and the uncle graduated same year, same school.

That doctor and his office was “old school,” and the woman who ran the booking used paper. Long, lined sheets with pencil and an eraser. Weird, in this post-modern, interconnected way.

Had an aunt who used the same doctor, and he would always see her immediately, but I wound up waiting for up to an hour — or more — at a time. Good doc, originally from South Texas, the Valley. Never made it further north than San Antonio. I recall, spurious details, his wife would work on Saturday mornings with him.

He was the last “generalist” I know of. Besides myself.

The sad news, he retired, suddenly, a couple of years back. Saw his obit not more than 6-8 weeks later. His wife used to joke he would go in the ground with his stethoscope.

Generalist vs Specialist



While I tend to cover a lot of ground, in recent weeks, the question of locational astrology keeps coming up.

I’m a “Generalist,” not an accredited “specialist.”

There’s a number of different schools I’ve studied, not like any of this is out of my area of specialty. It’s just, I’ve always thought of myself like that one doctor, more as Generalists vs. Specialist.

As a generalist, though I bring a much broader perspective to the discussion. I’m not hemmed in by a certain set of beliefs, or a single lens that I have to use to see what the problem — and solution — might be.

The longer I work at the this, the less I know. But I’ve done this long enough to get a few pointers about what works — and what doesn’t work.

One school of astrology that I studied, rather fascinating stuff, but it depended upon a single point in an astrology chart, and whole volumes of material were written about that single point.

From the point of view of a person’s personal, spiritual, and emotional growth? If any of those processes were strictly linear? That kind of theory would work well. Regrettably, yeah, humans are human, and we all need to make allowances.

Generalist vs Specialist

So, when someone asks? I’m a generalist, not a specialist. Means I can treat almost any astrological ailment.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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