Over the years, I’ve been exposed to any number of alternative health and metaphysical practices. From Dark Arts to arcane magic, to simple crystals as healing elements, to herbs and spices. Plus, as always, essential oils.
I had one experience with essential oils, I was getting sick, feeling ill, and at one meeting, a local seller of (brand name) essential oils put a couple of drops under my tongue — and I was well in hours. Stuff tasted like — unpleasant.
Empirical Evidence?
In Southern New Mexico, on a soulful journey, we came across this stuff, sold by a local merchant, kind of a witchy woman? In Hot Springs, NM.
Simply put, this is the only item I’ve found that works for me. I might be a bit odd, of that, there is no question. From what I could tell, the “Fast Cash” stuff worked OK, and the “Wishing Mojo” was all right, but I found the most effective, most useful of the whole line?
Flying Monkey Oil — because, as the lines suggested, we all need a little protection from time to time, but some days? Just have to call in the flying monkeys.
Works for me. All I’ll say.
Works well.
Flying Monkey Oil