Guest Posting

Guest Posting

Receiving a number of guest posting requests? I figured I better come up with guidelines, as the advertising policy wasn’t too clear.


Most the query emails include a passage like:

The thing is, I write on topics very like those covered in your blog, and I already have a few ideas for a guest post in mind that I’m sure will be interesting for your readers.

I was wondering, do you accept guest posts? If you do, are there any guidelines for me to check out?

I’ll be happy to discuss any guest blogging opportunities with you!

So, the guidelines?

Research the site itself — predominantly — and see if one can include, in an article, fact-checked astrological data, inshore fishing, bass fishing, lakes in Texas. Trout fishing elsewhere. Now, add a layer of Shakespeare scholarship on top of that, a working knowledge of the plays. Are we good so far?

There’s a smattering of classical scholarship, too, always a little Latin.

As further research, check out how many guest posts are my sites.

A compendium of historical knowledge, especially about the stories of Texas, that helps as well. Born of pioneer blood blended with scholar’s ink? Got it?

Research that. Then get back with a proposal. Realize, too, anything that passes my electronic mail gateway is mine to do with as I see fit.

Yes, give that a try. Oh yeah, and recall, all of this is totally bound under the Terms of Service, the ubiquitous fineprint. Better read that — all the way through.

Then get back to me, thusly armed and fortified.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

Use of this site (you are here) is covered by all the terms as defined in the fineprint, reply via e-mail.

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