Horoscopes for 4.4.2019

He is knight, dubb’d with unhatch’d rapier, and on carpet consideration, but he is a devil in private brawl.

    Sir Toby in Shakespeare’s 12th Night 3.4.122

The term “Carpet Knight” came up in a recent round of Shakespeare scholarly endeavors, “Carpet Knight,” the term I never heard before. Sir Toby is referring to his drinking buddy, Sir Andrew, as such. His “unhatch’d rapier” suggests the man has never been in a brawl. Looks like, sounds like Sir Andrew was made knight because of social standing, or paid patronage. He didn’t earn it on a battlefield.

Jupiter turns retrograde April 10, 2019, around 11 AM. what’s that mean? See below.

Horoscopes for


Happy birthday, etc. Do you see the pattern yet? This is about a “conversation” we’re about to have — this next few days — with a person who seems to hold sway over the Life of Aries.

“Oh man, not that talk again?”

Yes, that talk again. I think of this less as a person in charge, like a boss, and more like a person of some perceived control over Aries. And — seriously — it’s not really control, so much as it is, it seems like someone else has the reins at the moment. Sort of the driver, but then, maybe not really the driver. That’s part of the problem, trying to exercise control over an Aries who doesn’t want to be controlled. It’s birthday time, Jupiter is going retrograde, and there is yet more disquiet on the horizon.

Which means?

Negotiate. Dissemble or negotiate, but buy yourself a little time. Maybe not give in, but then, maybe don’t agree with what’s being said, but not a typically Aries fashion, not from combative stance.

Better yet? “Let me got back to you on that.” Think you can do that, this week?


As we all get comfortable with Uranus in Taurus, I was thinking about that passage and the “carpet knight.” Another expression? “In name only,” just as an addendum. Or as a second thought. The idea of the “carpet knight” is person who is given title and accolades that might — or might not — be earned. While this is firstly, an example drawn from a Shakespeare play? In the Taurus hand? It could be applied in any number of situations.

The trick with this, well, tricky energy? Between Mars and Uranus, plus the phase of the Moon, where Taurus is? This is the opposite of “All hat and no cattle,” another way to suggest a carpet knight. To balance, mostly Mars and Uranus? Between those two? Balancing act? Think the opposite of the carpet knight, think the opposite of “all hat and no cattle,” think about yourself, your Taurus self as the real thing. No need to prove that. We know you’re authentic. No need to prove that.


In the deep recesses and folds of my mind, I know I was taught some Latin in school. I took Latin because it was the root for all the Romance Languages, and then, I discovered, I still couldn’t speak Spanish, French, or Italian without further training. I can fake it well enough, and I had enough exposure to French that I could wing it for a little ways. But, like the old Latin slogan suggested, “The only good language is a dead language.” To this day, I still have some Latin scattered about, for a spell, there was a quote on the bottom of the page, a special phrase, I thought of it as a motto for my own crest. My own logo. Something. Latin, though, is a root language, and while it hasn’t been spoken in over a 1000 years, not as a main language, and actual — original — pronunciation is, at best, a guess? it remains a part of the foundation of language that moves us forward. That smattering of Latin does pay off when I’m trying to figure out deeper meaning or roots to words that provide clues to wherever this was going in the first place. The problem being, knowing the root of the problem, the place where the word started? That doesn’t always mean we get the right meaning — and language is a tricky beast. Language and meaning shifts, just watching the difference between “English” English (British-speak) and any of the more pronounced dialects in America (US English) should be enough. Meanings, definitions and colloquial usage various, and language grows, changes, mutates.

Gemini must likewise grow, change, and mutate to be adaptable to new situations, or new material that is being presented. “But I don’t want to change!” Then, my fine Gemini friend, adapt.


The Crab - the Moonchild
There are only so many hours that can be dedicated to a certain pursuit. Managing that time allocated to the task? The Cancer’s task? That’s what we would be working with, Moon Children Time Management. For me, it’s simple, I tend to handle all my own arrangements so I can’t blame “the secretary,” or my assistant for double-booked mistakes. Then, too, I tend to favor my ability to shut off my business phone at the end of the work day, and I’ll leave the messages — and messes — until the next business day

Although it looks like I work nights and weekends, in reality, I tend to let that material accumulate until the next working day. This came up the other evening, a professional associate had a problem and wanted my astrological take on the situation. Call came in after 7 PM, and I returned it the next business day, which was two days later, because I had a fishing thing planned. Priorities. While this bothered my business buddy, it was understood that I return calls when I can work. Just a simple little trick of establishing what the priorities are, and then, sticking to what I built for myself. In order for to move at peak efficiency, I have to correctly manage my time. For Cancer, the Moon Children, and their time? The catch phrase, operative message? “After hours calls will be returned on the next business day, time and schedule permitting.” Your call is important; we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

The Leo

The Leo
The way this works, there will always be “those voices.” Those voices in the back of your head, those voices of naysayers, and the worst yet? The Leo inner-critic. “You’re not good enough.” That’s one you’re likely to hear, only, none of us can hear it unless you give it voice, as in, if you say, “My brain is telling me I’m not good enough.” Too fat, too thin, too short, too tall, too something that probably can’t be changed. I know your majestically Leo self might find this unusual, and highly plebeian, to some, but we all suffer with that internal monologue of the critic. Happens from time to time. We all get it, well, any of us that are human, we do tend to get this from time to time. Here’s the fancy trick: we don’t all have to suffer with it, and some of us have come to terms. With the current disarray of the planets, though, and that Saturn thing pushing like it is? That Leo inner-critic gets a little more vocal than usual. Can’t stop that. What you can do? Two choices, two suggestions from me. One? Just don’t listen to it. Or two? Tell it to shut up. Yeah, ignore it in good — royal — Leo style, or tell it to STFU. Either one works, or better, try both. We all need the inner critic so we don’t run down the street naked, but we don’t need that little voice bringing us down, not in Leo Land, not this next few days.


There’s a subtle difference between cleaning and an all-out purge. What started as a little late spring-cleaning wound up looking more like a giant “Rid this place of all evil spirits” event. Out with the old, and “Should I throw this away? Yes!” While I applaud the gusto with which your Virgo self attacks this kind of cleaning? I adore the way you can throw yourself into the act of making the place better? That’s all good, but there’s an issue with what gets thrown away. Recycled, is what I prefer to do, but yes, there’s a good chance you’re throwing away an item, a document, something that you might just need in the near future. Certain family members, I’m not naming names, but you know who you are, those family members tend to get “shred happy,” and suddenly, for the sake of perceived security issues, it’s “Everything must be shredded!” Worried about abuse, theft, or other — unnamed — issues. I’m not sure of the source of the fear. To me, it’s a little unrealistic. Again, in the individual Virgo chart this level of paranoia might vary, but this next — work with me here — next ten days or so? Less with clear-cut, “Throw it all away and start new! Brand new!” Less with that, and a more measured approach, like, “We night need this documentation, later, so maybe we better save it.”


Life doesn’t have a “pause and rewind” button. Would be great if it did, but alas, no, I haven’t found that it’s possible to just hit “pause,” then rewind the scenario until I got to place where I can change an action that would then, in the near future, result in a better outcome. All about the good, you know? Since I can’t pause and rewind, then the next possible way to phrase this? Understand that the Universe, the Cosmos, the cosmic whatever one believes in? That — indicated by the stars as the Sun “square” Saturn — that is a review where some action in the recent past, or the far past, is brought to Libra light.

“If only I did that differently.”

Yeah, I agree, but we didn’t. How we navigate forward? That’s what’s important to me, and maybe, that “mistake” in the past? Maybe that is less of a mistake, and more of learning situation, because, sure as can be, a similar kind of situation will present itself, here, next day or three. When it does? Remember what you did, then? Remember how that turned out? Try doing something different. “If only I’d know this, then,” and now? Now you do know. While life doesn’t offer a “rewind” button, try that pause thing and see it works. You do know, now.


Simple for Scorpio, ask yourself, “What’s the best possible outcome?” What would be the best resolution to this week? What would be the best scenario for Scorpio? What would work best in Scorpio’s favor?

You know, in my heart of hearts, I want what’s best for Scorpio, am I right?

Of course I am! So ask your Scorpio self, “What’s the best possible outcome?”

That’s the question for the day, and that’s the driving force, for the next few days. See, if it’s going to happen, there’s a lot of positive vibes, good energy, behind the placements of the planets, and that means there is a possible situation, a very Scorpio situation, and that this can resolve, totally in your Scorpio favor. So what’s the best possible outcome? That’s the question. Now, in the next few hours, what can be done to achieve that “Best possible outcome for Scorpio?” What can your Scorpio self, what steps can you take to make this happen? Me? I want to best possible outcome for you.


There are some days, metaphors fly from my fingertips. Not fortunately, literally. There are some days, when the artistic, creative drive is firmly hooked up to the divine and the sacred, and the material writes itself. I don’t have to think — it just shows up, unhurried, with pacing and appropriate similes, all present. Seems like there is no effort required. I can string together honeyed words, and the world is a happier place. There are days when it all falls together, and I make this look like magic.

First off, a lot of effort goes into setting up a system that would support this kind of work, and then, there’s been a few years of practice, to get to the point that it does work like this. As I used to observe, “A lot of work goes into making this look effortless.” So how well do we have our collective Sagittarius parts and pieces pulled together? It’s a matter — a question, really — of how well we built certain foundation elements in our lives. Mine is purely by coincidence and happenstance, not by design. However, if we do show up at our appointed tasks, the goals, destinations, and if we use our processes in place? Be pleasantly surprised that a lot of this does work, like it is supposed to, like we planned. The simplest set of Sagittarius instructions? “Set your butt down and work.” Be amazed at how easy this can be. There are some days, even the better part of the next week, when it is as easy as it seems.


Personally, at some point, I started to settle down a little. I’m — perhaps now that I’m older — a little more adverse to change, especially, when it is change just for the sake of change. I like the way some things are. I change what I can, to make myself, my people, more conformable, but just change? For the sake of change? “New and improved?” Different model year, and some stylistic changes, but at the heart, was the hardware itself changed? On some occasions, “New and Improved,” is, indeed, new and improved. Better, stronger, faster, cooler, more efficient, whatever. But just change for no real reason? Is it necessary to upgrade this cycle? That’s the question looming in the face of Capricorn, and it’s spin off from what I was thinking about, originally, which had to do with radical change in the Capricorn chart. Is this necessary? Maybe. Definite maybe. But first? Let’s look around and make sure that this is an upgrade that Capricorn really needs. Wants? Sure. Needs? Look at the spec sheet, first, what’s really changed? Change, just for the sake of changing, is that necessary, now?


“Aquarius doesn’t like being told what to do. Period.” Stupid internet meme. Call this the meme game, wherein there’s a bland bit of advice, or single phrase, and then, substitute the sign’s name. Could be almost any sign, the one who doesn’t like being told what to do. I sure don’t like being told what to do — and I am not an Aquarius. However, this silly internet meme game, the part where we find just any bit of advice to for this week’s scenario for your sign? There’s a subtle kind of messaging that does seem to work.

It’s like the sites that will custom print anything on a T-Shirt and the graphic motors will generate what the algorithm suggests that the browser seems to be searching for. Slightly invasive, but amusing, too, as I keep getting Scorpio suggestions since I’m born in November. The ghosts in the machines make valiant guesses. Browser histories and cookies lend credence to the claims. Still this is — at best — a guess. Guesswork, machine intelligence reading digital clues, and then, the advice itself. That stuff has to be written by a human. My human advice? Don’t — blindly — take orders from others, not at this moment. Like the bumper sticker wisdom suggested? “Aquarius doesn’t like being told what to do,” and for now? Stick with that.

Source wasn’t great, and it was really for another sign, when I first saw that, but realistically? After what we’ve been through? Aquarius doesn’t like — or need — to be told what to do.


“Why didn’t you tell this was going to be bad?” Because that’s not how I read the available data. I have a program, I can look this up in a text, but I prefer software, and that software delineates an astrology chart — a star chart — that plots the locations of the heavenly orbs. Way I was reading this? Wasn’t bad at all. I wouldn’t suggest rushing into a new thing, not just yet, but, instead of rushing, maybe ambling forward, towards a specific Pisces goal?

Ambling, slouching, lurching in a general direction that includes your goal? That works. There’s an insistent energy that will prod your Pisces self to hurry — and getting in a bigger hurry takes longer to get to that destination. The more you hurry, the more you hustle, the harder it is get arrive at that estimation. The more you hurry, the more likely you are to make a wrong turn, drop an important part, or miss the directions entirely. Slow down and amble toward that goal. You will be much better served. Instead of trying to reach for that specific goal, when asked, “Which way are you going?” The best Pisces answer, this week? “Yeah, kind of over there. You know, that general direction.” That kind of answer and dissembling gets you where you want to be — faster.

“I’m going to amble over here, now, if you don’t mind.”

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“Nothing runs on automatic.” – L.W. “Bud” Shipley, Jr.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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