Evvie Drake

Evvie Drake

Evvie Drake Starts Over – Linda Holmes
The “internet” is abuzz, at least as far as I can see, with prompts for various bits and pieces of literature. The links at the bottom of the page include an Amazon link for the actual “book” itself, while the rest of these should be digital copies. Personally, I used a library copy, based upon some kind of review, “Have to read this.”
Had to wait in line, or rather, queue up for the library version. Yes, I adore the look and feel of a real book, but literature like this, loosely, reads faster for me as a digital imprint.

“So instead of returning emails to clients, she devoured books that moved with her from table to table, chair to chair, as she read and stopped and read more, sticking a scrap of paper between the pages to mark her place.” Page 26.

Book about a book lover? Sure, there is that. And it was, allegedly, “literary” in nature, so there is that, too. Unpacking some of the mysterious feelings and inward observations of what is going outside, and so far, not with too heavy a hand in the symbolism department.
Quick thought, a hundred or more pages of foreplay for the bereaved?
Looking at the cover artwork, I would never think of this as “bodice ripper” kind of novel, but there’s a polite kind of casual yet urgent sense that romance, in nuanced and subtle format, is part of the exploration. Then, too, there are the tragic yet darkly comic elements that weave throughout our current milieu, attempting to navigate the pratfalls of modern romance.
There was line, about “hulk smoothies,” that kept one young and added bulk. Got to steal that line, “hulk smoothies.” They’re green. My own sister makes those. Kale and lord only knows what else.
I fell for it. It’s an impeccably addressed Rom-Com, but it goes where only a slim novel can go, into the heart.
While classically flawed, the characters seemed a little too picture-perfect. To its credit, though, the book did keep me up late one evening, just so I could finish reading it. There’s a lyrical point wherein it delves with the internal emotions that hold a real love relationship together. Plus the parts that push us apart.
Framed as a lightweight, almost, shudder, bodice-ripper romance, it really had a certain emotional depth that was understated and tender, and I kept thinking, “This proves that written words are better, can capture more, than the big screen — or any other immersive media.”
Why books are better.

Evvie Drake Starts Over – Linda Holmes

Evvie Drake Starts Over: A Novel
I dug around on the inter-webs, looking for a link to the author’s page, just to send a quick email, like, “Really enjoyed the novel, many thanks for writing it.”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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