Fictional Lengths
- MicroFiction under 300 words
- Flash fiction under 1,000 words
- Short Story 3K to 6K words
- Novelette 8-15K words
- Novella 15-40K words
- Novel 60-200K words
- Russian Novel over 200K words
“That’s one opinion.” link
My understanding, current definitions I follow, subject to the usual emendations?
Fictional Lengths
- MicroFiction 100-200 words
- Short Story 1500-15,000 words
- Novella 15-50K words
- Novel 60-200K words
- Door-stops Over 200K words
Fictional Lengths
Two points, and I was wondering, wouldn’t the 500K word novels be best described as Neal Stephenson books? That seems to be his epic length.
Then, too, in an average week, do I really turn out 12 bits of MicroFiction? Or do I count a whole year as 1, maybe 2 novels?
Inquiring minds want to know.

Two-Meat Tuesday – Kramer Wetzel
Two-Meat Tuesday: Astrofish.Net/Xenon