My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent,
And, like a man to double business bound,
I stand in pause where I shall first begin,
And both neglect
- Claudius in Hamlet 3.3.40-2
New Moon in Scorpio October 27, 2019 around 10:48 PM. Steals and deals are available in the Halloween “boo-tique,” at
Horoscopes for 10.24.2019
Happy “almost Halloween” time. Yippee-skippy.
While the Sun enters the tropical zodiac sign of Scorpio on the 23rd, it’s not until we get this new moon on the 27 that we get the real “start” of Scorpio. We’re close, but we’re not there yet. However, that is a big turning point, more like, folks wake up on the morning of the 28th, “Hey! What are we doing for Halloween? Lets have a party!”Cool, in a way, and uncool, in that there’s three-four days that get wasted, not being used for preparing, and anyone ever notice that the candy offerings get less generous towards the big night? Suddenly, all that “inner planet” turmoil is fun and games, good times and parties. It wasn’t a light switch, other than in a cosmic sense, and the new moon, in Scorpio, is a significant transition point — which means? It’s time to move forward with more than one set of plans. Scorpios do tend to get single-minded about a single task, or project, or goal; and with this current energy? Splitting up that drive and launching more than idea into the void is what works best. Try launching three, then, we’ll revisit in a few days and see which one sticks.
Picture from a day care place; pumpkin, Halloween art, and a sign, “It’s harvest time.” Might be a bit unfortunate, right under the name of the day care place. True story. Wished I had that picture. It’s a typical Sagittarius blunder, at this time, The wicked fast approach of the high holidays, Scorpio earnestly cooking along. It’s harvest time, just maybe, though, think about the picture placement. or banner.As a Sagittarius myself, I have to be reminded that bloopers and misguided — or incorrect — attributes are characteristic of this time. While that sign and its location might’ve been funny to some of us, not everyone will find it amusing. Therein is our problem and there is no easy solution, not this week, not for Sagittarius. Well, there is an easy solution, but one we’re not likely to follow: proofread. Look it over. “Is this like Mercury Retrograde?” No, but the same principles might be applied.

Yeah, Mercury. No, not really.
Some weeks are like that, I manage to compress the data down to a useable format and size that seems smaller than it really is. Other times, I can’t get the data squeezed down that far. Some days, I am verbose. Other days? Not so much. As much as I hate to delve into popular vernacular, I still use some it because it properly evokes a certain feeling, a sense, an understood direction. Other weeks, I have to hammer and yammer until I get the message across. This is a week when Capricorn has to work at it to get the message across. It doesn’t come smoothly, or easily, and this is like a bad Halloween costume, one that has to be explained, over and over. Don’t you get it? So don’t be afraid to fill-in the empty spaces with words. More words. Verbiage. Filler, spin, rhetoric, all more terms for words that fill in the spaces while we try to arrive at the nuanced meaning of the moment. What’s going on with Capricorn is that it takes a while to get the desired message across, and in order to get it across? Words. More words. Don’t be afraid to heap words on words as we try to arrive at the nuanced meanings.Aquarius
An Aquarius buddy of mine was traveling, by air, from one point to another. Essentially, halfway across the country. Not quite coast-to-coast, but almost. Had to change planes in Dallas. (DFW) There was a weather situation, and one flight was late, and then another flight was delayed, and there’s this cascading effect, wherein no one wins — except — with my Aquarius buddy? The airport bar in Dallas. (DFW — the airport.) Two hour delay, became a four hour delay, and it was good that someone picked him up at the final arrival, about 6 or 12 hours later, as he was toasted. Airport bars are notorious, and I figure, he gets “over-served” because, after each, “just one more,” he thought, along with the bartenders, “this one is getting on a plane and leaving the state.”As an Aquarius, when my buddy’s been drinking a bit? He gets gregarious. Nice guy gets nicer, maybe too nice? The next morning, after his near-24 hours of airline and weather related drinking adventures? He was wondering where all his money had gone. “What happened? I was in a bar across from the gate, then I had to make a long walk to another gate, and I don’t know.” I’m unsure of his final destination, Wyoming, maybe? But his phone had a message from some woman he met in the bar, and she was in Kansas City.
Look, Aquarius, in our highly mobile age, this isn’t such an unusual kind of occurrence, leaving the east coast to wind up Wyoming with a new girlfriend in Kansas? While such adventures can be quite amusing, the trick is to be careful. The moon and all? Yeah, careful with a weather-delayed event, like a flight, and the repercussions of that delay. My buddy looked at his phone, then looked at me, “Do I know anyone in Missouri? Do you know anyone in Missouri?”
Happy ending of sorts, she left a breathy message.
Not long ago, I got an interesting solicitation. Woman, purported to be a woman, never can tell with commercial crap like that, but she asked if I was interested in her writing some engaging material for my site, then used the following pitch, how engaging content draws people to the site and then, fresh content after that brings them back again and again — as long as there is new content, which, did I include, she was willing to write, for a fee. What made me think about this, compared with the Pisces planets? The way it worked, the wording of the sales pitch, “Fresh content brings them to your site, then more fresh content keeps them coming back,” and then? She’s guaranteed a job. Recurring income. Normally, this kind off junk mail annoys me, but it was a person obviously out of touch with what my sites are all about: all me, all the time. Only one person writes this stuff, me. What intrigued me was the way the missive sold an idea and then the idea itself sold more. Get them hooked? Hooked for life. As a Pisces, what’s got its hooks in you right now?Aries
No Aries likes to think of himself or herself as capable of being rated as “Psycho,” but there you have it. This weirdness can fall out one of two or three ways, and the simplest way to face the world? As you rise and shine — but first coffee — as you arise each Aries morning? Are you going wear a halo? Or horns? Got a choice, here, each day. Each morning, decisions to make, horns, which evoke a devil-like countenance, implies a series of bad decisions, but it is your choice. Or a halo? That would imply an angelic Aries sentiment. Simply put, simple question, almost too binary to understand without further obfuscation, but what will it be this morning? Horns? Halo? Aries? It’s your call.Taurus
Watching a decades-old film, streaming? It was streaming steamy. Buddy film, of sorts. Two main characters and both of them had TV “shower sex.” Different but too similar, and seriously, as a much younger person, it would be possible, but as for character development? Didn’t add a lot to the film’s narrative. Raises the question of the practicality of such endeavors, too. In the real world? That kind of escapade rarely happens, and I’ve queried a great number of people. As to whether it’s a real thing. Apparently, only in movies. I looked at my date, she just shook her head, “No. Not even.” I’m ok with that judgement call. Perhaps this is a function of age, perhaps an overly prudish upbringing, or maybe, I’m just shy. Lazy might be better. Just because it looks good in the movies? Have to ask yourself, before you undertake that action, just because it looks appealing in the movies? Is this really worth trying in real life?Gemini
Some years back I had a chance to buy a package of zip-ties, the handy little plastic pieces that can hold objects, parts, joined surfaces, together. Came in a variety of colors and sizes. The other afternoon, I was tidying up (Sun in Libra time for me) some loose wires strung across the living room. I got out that package of zip-ties, and sorted through, looking for the smaller ones to zip up some cords, make it look less scraggly. Girlfriend looks over last the loose zip-ties out on the coffee table, and notes that the larger ones are separated. I was really digging for the tiny ones, I have no idea how I would use the larger ones. Didn’t matter, girlfriend glances down, “Zip ties? Not how I thought this would go.” I don’t get it. Most innocent of eyes, as far as I could tell, and I had nothing to do with her bolting out the door. Not my fault! Easy to see the meaning here, I hope. It’s an innocent (something), usually left laying around, and someone — not Gemini — sees this as an impediment, an obstacle, or something that bonds them. Two clues for this week’s clueless Gemini, don’t leave innocent articles just out where everyone can see them, and don’t try to protest too much. “Baby, please, it’s not what it looks like!” Not like it was chloroform and duct tape.Cancer
Put off Halloween costume ideas until the last minute. Put off the great idea, until we get to the deadline, which is really the next week. With an October 31 date as the time when the costume must be done? Start on the latest and greatest idea, on — or after — that new moon, as listed above. Seems a little late in the game, but sometimes the best ideas are hatched when under pressure. Yes, I know, the gentle Moon children don’t really do all that well under pressure, but with the tough, crab-like carapace? Sure, you can stand a little bit of extra pressure, and some it? Might seem internal. Might be your own, inner voice, or spirit guides, or intuition, or whatever we want to call it? Might be that. Might be a number of influences, both inner and outer, but the quickest, surest answer? Wait until the last minute then have a sprint to the finish. Sure, there’e the parable about the tortoise and the hare, and we all know that slow and steady is usually better. It’s just the New Moon gives a solid, decent shove in a good direction. New direction, Brilliant idea and easy enough to accomplish in the allotted time. No, seriously. Wait for that new moon inspiration. You’ll be brilliant by then.The Leo
Leo, the great and magnificent Leo tends to be effusive, outgoing, and gregarious, Friendly, kind, and outgoing. Easy to approach and easy to work with, as long as one understands the rules and terms for handling The Leo.Simple, that’s simple to deal with, not necessarily “simple,” you know. But as a watchword while we start Scorpio — just as a guideline for The Leo? Reticence. Could be patience, but most of the Leo I know have little patience, so I wouldn’t push for that. But a certain amount of reticence will help. Less effusive. Tone down the “outgoing.”
Personally, I always believe we should stay approachable, but I wouldn’t start anything.
The line-up of planets in Scorpio — not a big deal, but as the watery Scorpion sign gets underway? Careful that none of that water sloshes over and puts out The Leo fire. In order to stay a little more cautious than usual? Watchword for the next couple of days? What works for The Leo?
Scrape away at the Virgo’s veneer, and there’s a series of dirty little secrets. Not all bad, but there’s a terribly earthy essence to Virgo that gets missed by the prissy, clean-freak reputation, not always undeserved. That “Virgo perfect” setting? Scrape away at the surface, look under the hood, check under the petticoats, use whatever metaphor is most comfortable, and look beneath the top layers of clean. There’s a succulent, reminds me of farmer’s market — all organic — root vegetables. While the plants were fresh harvested, fall and all, there is usually some rich, dark loam still stuck to the vegetables. Clean dirt, if there is such a thing, and who would know more about that than Virgo? That’s the kind of dirty little secret I’m suggesting, not something dirty like that, just some real dirt. It’s all a matter of scratching away the top layer, getting a little underneath it, looking deeper. Have to be wiling to go beneath the top Virgo Veneer in order to find this week’s pay dirt.Libra
There’s an aura of suspicion that pervades the Libra psyche at this time. “Who wants to know?” And then, “Why do they want to know?” To some, it feels like there is a plot afoot, some other people are out to achieve some goals that satisfy their own, personal gains. Nothing to do with Libra, other than feeling like there is a plot, a conspiracy, something is askew. If we could stick a cosmic pin in the situation that is suspicious? Make life in Libra much easier, but alas, in real life, folks get upset if you try and pin them. Still, the essential idea, the central theme with this week’s planets? Pause to investigate a little further than your Libra self would normally go. Stop long enough to think about other players who might, or might not, be complicit in the complot. Is there a third of fourth hand at work within this situation? Situations? Are there other players, as of yet, unrevealed, or has the plot twist not yet come unraveled? More here than meets the eye? Quite possible, but before you start hurling accusation, and drawing conclusions built on scant evidence, pause.I’ve written this before, but it applies, to this week’s Libra more than ever, “Just because you’re paranoid — doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.” for appearances